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Friday, June 28, 2013

TV Series - The Swamp Fox - Disney 1959/60 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Francis Marion was a "hero"of the revolutionary war.The truth about him may be very unpleasant as are some "truths" about the Declaration of Independence,George Washington,Tomas Jefferson and Benedict Arnold.Thats what makes history so exciting,separating truths from hyperbole.I will later review a film from 2000 staring Mel Gibson,loosely based on Marion,but for now,its the old gem by Disney.Only 8 episodes were made and ran as part of his old"Wonderful world of Disney"that I did see as a child so i had to revisit now as my old age wants to remember it and YES it was as I remembered.Lots of fun.Leslie Nielsen plays the Swamp Fox as many have forgotten he started out as a serious actor.Disney was no cheapskate,his TV miniseries were shot with the feel of a movie.The horse chases were great and many fine character actors appeared in the episodes.So forget the historical debates and PC rewrites of history and just enjoy one of the very few shows about those days.Most shows of that time tended to center on Boston or Phil.,not South Carolina and Charleston.It was true there were more "Tories"in the south then the north and one might argue that Marion is portrayed as loved by his slaves when in documented records most black slaves fought with the British under promise of freedom,but hey,Jefferson had a slave mistress  and Washington a huge plantation with many slaves.Enjoy the series for the historical insight into guerrilla warfare and use it as a touchstone to learn more about those times and people.That was the time of"the founding fathers"and should be studied to understand "us"today.The series is more as a spark to learn more than to be taken at face value.Thats why I took 1 star off.Many "issues"but I still recommend.The trailer following the picture is the catchy song from the series.

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