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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Something Like a Business - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Warning,adult for sure.Offensive,yes,but what comedy isn't on some level??
Release in 2010 and running only 82 minutes,I take 2 stars off for the stereotyping offensive portrayals but since its a film by black actors,its a little like using the "N"word so keep that in mind if you see this film.The reason I liked it a bit was its a vehicle for a very funny comic by the name of Kevin Hart whom I've liked since a Showtime series from a few years back called "The Underground"in which he held his own in a ensemble cast.The story is silly and as stated.offensive but it does have a few inspired scenes and takeoffs like on the 2005 film that had academy award nominations" Hustle & Flow".Now if THAT film could be"respectable"than be careful before thee cast stones at this one.
Still only for open minded adults and Kevin Hart fans.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

An aspiring pimp struggles to make a mint after inheriting his late uncles escort service and discovering that competition on the streets is fierce.

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