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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lincoln - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Small complainants about historic inaccuracies in this film, are slowly coming in, like the State of Connecticut complaining about their vote on the 13 amendment ratification. That said,its a docudrama partly based on a novel and immersed in this contras memory if not its soul.I think we could forgive a few errors once remembering those facts and that its a movie based on this countries darkest hour yet freshest hope.Thus I took 1/2 star off.Released in 2012 and running not long enough at 150 minutes,it has little violence for the heinous subject matter.In fact the only violence is in the opening battle scene of the movie,all else is implied but never seen.That might bore some but for a civics lesson,the film is engrossing,not only for the time,but showing really how little in Washington has changed except the results.Lincoln is a older version of Lyndon Johnson.Rough humor and a deal maker.That is what lacks in todays government.It seems those traits are still needed yet none of todays politicians posses them.I was never a big fan of Lincoln because the terrible civil war happened on his watch.However Director Steven Spielberg choose to show that the ends justify the means by the passing of the 13 amendment.That will be a debate for all of this countries history as it was at the time of the revolution.Never has it been so skillfully brought to the screen however and for that its a must see.The cast headed by Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln but as good as they all are its the story thats matters here.Slavery and the ultimate family blood feud of states rights and the Federal Government.Thats why its a civics lesson that should be mandatory viewing in the schools of this country.Some of the old jokes told in the movie were priceless.My favorite,and I'm paraphrasing while cutting very short, was Lincoln telling when he defended a woman for killing her husband,when he was still a lawyer,knowing she was justified,went to a out house with her and with a window open she complained it still smelled and where was the air fresher he replied,remember they are in Kentucky at the time,"In Tennessee madam"and she was never seen again.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

As the Civil War continues to rage, America's president struggles with continuing carnage on the battlefield and as he fights with many inside his own cabinet on the decision to emancipate the slaves.

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