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Monday, February 25, 2013

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

As a child I remember the old "Sherlock Holmes"as everyone saw those.They were all right but I always thought rather silly in acting and plot.So I missed the first of this new series and only caught the second because of a actress "Noomi Rapace "who came to everyones attention in the original european trilogy of films about a girl with a dragon tattoo,and she was ok in the rather small part they gave her in this film.No this film was a vehicle for Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law as Holmes and Watson,to strut their stuff and that they do !!!
Released in 2011 and running 129 minutes,I had to deduct 1 and 1/2 stars for being long and having a contrived unbelievable story and too much CGI.That all said,Law and Downey do have a chemistry and I see more films in this series if the box office warrants it.This movie relied on CGI slow motion and special CGI effects to tell a contrived story about the duo's arch enemy trying to consolidate the arms industries to profit of the upcoming World War he planned to start. It has a few moments and todays fans love their CGI,but for me,it was so-so but for fine the pairs chemistry.World War was inevitable but our hero's make sure the evil  Professor James Moriarty  played well by Jared Harris,won't profit from it.Trailer URL follows the picture.

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