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Monday, February 11, 2013

Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes we forget the "forgotten war"Korea,was a civil war.This film will remind you.Always remember that as you prepare to view this film.Released in 2004 and running quite long at 140 minutes,I took only 1/2 star off for subtitles.It was engrossing as the film started slowly, but like a fine novel grips you to where you can't look away and want more,and more and then some.Very bloody like most Asian films are, and makes all US war films seem as if Disney made them by comparison,it still has a story like none I've ever seen before and that why I highly recommend it.A crazy war,unorganized conscription,death squads at home,desperate battles,all elements we have seen before.Even brothers in combat has been done before,but nothing like the ride these brothers go on.It's tempting to try to compare to a US war film but the closest I can come,and its really still very different,is "Beau Geste"It's hard to write what I felt after watching.maybe because I had no brothers and always regretted that.I guess the only thing I can thing of is the old adage about the absence of civilization is war.38000 US serviceman died in this war,thats why I saw this film,as there is little US films about "the forgotten war".You will not learn anything about our involvement from this film.Thats NOT what it was made for.If anything,its a tribute to the lost souls of that still divided peninsula and a prayer that it never happens again.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

In 1950, in South Korea, shoe-shiner Jin-tae Lee and his 18-year-old old student brother, Jin-seok Lee, form a poor but happy family with their mother, Jin-tae's fiancé Young-shin Kim, and her young sisters. Jin-tae and his mother are tough workers, who sacrifice themselves to send Jin-seok to the university. When North Korea invades the South, the family escapes to a relative's house in the country, but along their journey, Jin-seok is forced to join the army to fight in the front, and Jin-tae enlists too to protect his young brother. The commander promises Jin-tae that if he gets a medal he would release his brother, and Jin-tae becomes the braver soldier in the company. Along the bloody war between brothers, the relationship of Jin-seok with his older brother deteriorates leading to a dramatic and tragic end. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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