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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What's Love Got to Do with It - 4 stars out of 5 stars

It's hard to review movie's about real people who are still alive.This true story can only be attributed to a book written by Tina about this subject and so taken on that face value it is riveting and pretty violent at times.Ike and Turner rose to popularity in the 60's and Tina became a abused wife and we can debate forever the reason for spousal abuse even in this case.What is not debatable is that once Tina broke away,she became one of the biggest stars off all time.Her talent and music had a energy and sexiness never seen before or really since as it was never vulgar as much of todays is.So taken in that context its hard to imagine anyone being able to capture that as a actress.Angela Bassett  comes so close,ones wonders if her voice could do it as Tina's actual recordings are the music used.Still Angela does a great job. Laurence Fishburne  plays a troubled Ike but since we don't know as much about Ike as Tina its no fair to judge him the same as we would Angela.Still I though Laurence was good enough that I would have wanted to beat the crap out of him myself !!!!! Released in 1993 and running 118 minutes I only took 1 star off because I wanted more detail about Tina's life.I still wanted to get a idea why a church gospel girl wound up with a band "player"Ike.I don't think we saw any of Tina's "pimples"and we all have them.Trailer URL follows the picture.

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