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Sunday, February 3, 2013

TV Series - Firefly - ( 2002-2003 ) - 5 stars out of 5 stars

A short time ago I reviewed the movie"Serenity"that was a followup to this TV series and stated I had to see the series even though the movie for the most part,was a stand alone film.I now state that the movie was"closer "for the fans of this series as it did somewhat tie up loose ends.And what a TV series it was.Many have said it was western set in the future and that is somewhat true.The guns,even horses,clash with the space craft.But I look at in a way that a start trek episode looked at ancient Rome evoking into space.In this case,its the old west frontier evolving into space.There are no aliens only settlers on newly "terra formed"planets.Each planet can be thought of as small western towns and traveling between them bring in the action and adventure.There are"companions"nice word for legal prostitutes and smuggling and the remnants of a old war not unlike the civil war in some respects as to the changing landscape but also like the rebellion in Star Wars and the firefly class space craft this series is named for is not unlike the millennium falcon.No this show does not steal from those ideas but actually uses them as a sort of inspiration for this series.I paid homage to the good sci-fi cast when I did the movie review,the same should be said for the TV series.The trailer URL I posted is a sort of fan fest love in with cast and fans for both the series and movie.I highly recommend you search out the show.You will LOVE it !!!Short IMDB summary below.

Five hundred years in the future, a renegade crew aboard a small spacecraft tries to survive as they travel the unknown parts of the galaxy and evade warring factions as well as authority agents out to get them.

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