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Friday, November 30, 2012

John Carter - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Much too long at 132 minutes, this 2012 movie disappointed me greatly.I recommend only for the last hour and some novel ideas.However its equal parts poor,thus the 50/50 2 and 1/2 stars.The actors didn't do it for me,and the plot was sort of a bad mix of "Star wars"and "Avatar"with even a little "dune"in the mis-mash plot.The plus's were civil war era meets aliens and that secret 3rd party that watches and sometimes interferes with events.I never knew  Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote this series of"mars"books that this disney flick is based on.Tarzan its NOT.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

John Carter, a Civil War veteran who in 1868 was trying to live a normal life, is "asked" by the Army to join. But he refuses so he is locked up. He escapes and is pursued. Eventually they run into some Indians and there's a gunfight. Carter seeks refuge in a cave. While there he encounters someone who is holding some kind of medallion. When Carter touches it, he finds himself in a place where he can leap incredible heights, among other things. He later encounters beings he has never seen before. Later he meets a woman who helps him to discover that he is on Mars. And he learns there's some kind of unrest going on. Written by

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Traitor - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2008 and running 114 minutes,I found this movie fascinating.Only the ending and particularly a scene on the bus were not what I expected.Thus 1 star off.Still Don Cheadle as Samir Horn is well worth the view.I guess the reason it wasn't so well known is"the bus"scene.I won't explain it,you have to see it for yourself.If you like Showtimes"Homeland"you should love this.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Samir Horn is a former soldier, a devout Muslim, and U.S. citizen in the Middle East selling bomb detonators to Islamic radicals. He joins their cause as both the FBI and a rogue CIA agent track him. Horn escapes a Yemeni prison, goes underground in France where he proves his abilities, and is sent to the United States to choreograph a simultaneous and multiple terror attack. Will the intelligence agencies talk to each other, and can Horn be stopped? Written by <>

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Idiocracy - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Silly,dumb,and stupid and all mankind is that way 500 years in the future,or so this film suggests.The dumb breed together and out produce the smart into a world of stagnate self indulgent jerks and its FUNNY.Ok,there are the forget how we got there and other believe at face value shortcomings worth 1 and 1/2 stars off,but all in all I laughed.Released in 2006 and only 84 minutes long,it stars Luke Wilson,who I think is the more talented of the brothers,and Maya Rudolph in the only thing outside SNL she has done that I like.Still the cast is not as important and the joke here on us all.If "The Onion"made a movie,this would be it.IMDB summary below and a trailer link after the pix.Silly but funny,ha,ha.

The purpose of the program set up by the Pentagon, called the "Human Hibernation Project," is designed so that the military can save their best men for when they're needed most. According to the officers heading the project, too many times the talents and expensive training of the best pilots and soldiers go to waste during times of peace. So they enlist Bauers (Wilson), the most under-achieving average guy they've got, to be the test subject for the initial hibernation experiment. Also participating in the top-secret program is Rita (Rudolph), a prostitute who agreed to take part in exchange for dropping some criminal charges against her, among other things. Of course, the experiment, which was to last only a year, goes under due to the arrest of Officer Collins, who is busted for heading a prostitution ring. Seeing as though he was in charge of the experiment, one of the only ones who knew of its existence, and "due to a lot of top-secret red tape... Written by Slider

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hawaii - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Very interesting if not downright controversial film and far to long at 189 minutes which is the ONLY reason I took 1 star of this majestic 1966 film based on a novel by  James Michener.The screenplay was written by Dalton Trumbo  and if you look him up you'll find out some very interesting things about him.Back to the film.Filmed the way most novels were back in that day,its sprawling and paints a very detailed broad canvas thus the long sometimes boring scenes.There are a few ways to look at this film,the Trumbo effect,but the clash of 1820's New England Christian fundamentalist culture vs the almost childlike native Hawaii's is undeniable.It's also a tragic love story for a few families and well,perhaps a little redemption ?? Thats debatable as well.The cast is "A" list but stands firmly on the acting of Julie Andrews and Max von Sydow. So for a exotic historical drama that does demand your time,check it out.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Abner Hale, a rigid and humorless New England missionary, marries the beautiful Jerusha Bromley and takes her to the exotic island kingdom of Hawaii, intent on converting the natives. But the clash between the two cultures is too great and instead of understanding there comes tragedy. Written by Jim Beaver <>

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Guard - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2011 and 96 minutes,its even harder to rate a comedy from another country when we already know comedy is personnel taste,NOW at cultural national differences and we have this film.Thats the reason I took 1 and 1/2  stars off.It is VERY British.However I still recommend it as a odd couple/cop buddy flick.Rather than go into plot which I have listed as a IMDB summary below,here is a example of some dialogue,

Sergeant Gerry Boyle: Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, these men are armed and dangerous, and you being an FBI agent you're more used to shooting at unarmed women and children...
FBI agent Wendell Everett: Oh, fuck you, Sergeant!

 Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I thought black people couldn't ski. Or is that swimming?
Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I thought only black lads were drug dealers?
Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I'm Irish sir. Racism is part of my culture.

I think you get the point.
Brendan Gleeson     as Sergeant Gerry Boyle and Don Cheadle  as FBI agent Wendell Everett and s good supporting cast do pull it of.Trailer URL follows the pix,enjoy if your crazy like me.

Sergeant Gerry Boyle is a small-town Irish cop with a confrontational personality, a subversive sense of humor, a dying mother, a fondness for prostitutes, and absolutely no interest whatsoever in the international cocaine-smuggling ring that has brought straight-laced FBI agent Wendell Everett to his door. Written by Element Pictures

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Bucket List - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are the oddest couple of all time.Kudos to director Rob Reiner for keeping just the right balance of the trickiest of all stories,laughing at certain death and living life at the same time.There are enough metaphors for everyone and it can be very painful to watch when you see something of yourself in ether character.released in 2007 and running only 97 minutes,there is NOTHING not to love in this film IF you can stand the pain of your own life's challenges and I'm not talking about illness.Oh,Sean Hayes and Beverly Todd are overshadowed but mange to shine as well in small supporting roles.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summery is below.

Corporate billionaire Edward Cole and working class mechanic Carter Chambers have nothing in common except for their terminal illnesses. While sharing a hospital room together, they decide to leave it and do all the things they have ever wanted to do before they die according to their bucket list. In the process, both of them heal each other, become unlikely friends, and ultimately find joy in life. Written by r2k443

Friday, November 16, 2012

Battleship - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Only after the film was two thirds done did it really become fun.Old men with a battleship,thats entertainment.Sadly until then the story was unbelievable from the navy's end.A real dope in charge and the old shoot first mentality is not good story telling.Speaking of dopes,most of the cast was just average at best,except for those old guys at the end.As good as the ending was,it was really misname,should have been Arleigh Burke destroyer .OK      Brooklyn Decker grows on you and Tadanobu Asano was really good but by far the best was Gregory D. Gadson .Truly inspired casting.So the trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below for this 2012 release that ran long at 131 minutes.If you like "boom"you will enjoy it.I took the 1 and 1/2 stars off for a silly story.

Based on the classic Hasbro naval combat game, Battleship is the story of an international fleet of ships who come across an alien armada while on Naval war games exercise. An intense battle is fought on sea, land and air. What do the aliens want? Written by Anonymous

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blue River - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Interesting enough,I accidentally found this TV movie looking for something else.Sometimes thats fortunate as in this case.Released in 1995 and running 90 minutes its a challenging film on a few levels.But like most early TV movies it relies on a good cast to breath life into a conflicted broken home/sibling tension filled/religious/single parent/midwest family situation of growing up.I can't relate but i do find the storyline quite interesting if hard to comprehend.So lets just say if you liked a movie, say like"A river runs thru it"then you might enjoy this rather obscure film.The trailer is a quick poor quality TV commercial,sorry,and it follows the picture.A IMDB summary is below.

The stormy relationship of a young teenage boy with his troubled older brother is told in an extended flashback segment bookended by what happens when the two meet again 15 years later. Edward is a young teen living in a family the father abandoned years before and where the mother has become a Christian fundamentalist and courts a self-righteous school principal. In this setting, Edward tries to come to grips with his feelings towards the brother he both loves and fears, while struggling to protect his family and others from his brother's wrath. Written by Sean Parlaman <>

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thelma and Louise - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Tough movie to review and so I give it my lowest "see"rating of 2 1/2 stars,50/50.
You see I have a very hard time having sympathy for characters that,well,get themselves into bad situations and then suffer the consequences.That in a nut shell in the story."Fat,dumb and stupid is no way to go through life son"was a quote from a 10 ten movie I loved ,Dean Warmer said in "Animal House"to Flounder.Well Thelma and Louise are two innocent yet"dumb and stupid"characters that allowed themselves through their own short comings to wind up where they did.Sorry,I have BIG issues with that as to investing my time and sympathy.
Now on the plus side.It takes great film making and acting to illicit a point of view as being believable even when objectionable,to this viewer.Released in 1991 and running long at 130 minutes,director  Ridley Scott accomplishes this.Susan Sarandon IS Louise Sawyer and Geena Davis IS Thelma and well Harvey Keitel  as Hal,a cop chasing them,can play ANYTHING.Brad Pitt is fine as eye candy,and the rest of the cast work well. Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

An Arkansas waitress and a housewife shoot a rapist and take off in a '66 Thunderbird.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Twins - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Early Ivan Reitman classic released in 1988 and running 107 minutes that stands the test of time if only for the casting of odd couple Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito as long lost "Twins".Sight gags alone make it worth a view.It's somewhat dated and the script is sort of"out there"so I took 1 star off.Still,it has many other strengths that recommend it. Both leeds can act and fit the roles and the whole idea of genetic experimentation is more relevant today than it was then and so lends itself well to satire.Far better than the drug crap being made these days.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Julius and Vincent Benedict are the results of an experiment that would allow for the perfect child. Julius was planned and grows to athletic proportions. Vincent is an accident and is somewhat smaller in stature. Vincent is placed in an orphanage while Julius is taken to a south seas island and raised by philosophers. Vincent becomes the ultimate low life and is about to be killed by loan sharks when Julius discovers that he has a brother and begins looking for him. Written by John Vogel <>

Monday, November 12, 2012

Blood and Black Lace - AKA - Sei donne per l'assassino - 3 stars out of 5 stars

I guess its time for a little horror here and while most films are "sex bad so teen sinner die"Friday 13th and Nightmare on Elm street crap,we have to go to Europe for at least a story to the slaughter. Perhaps the best ever made IMHO is this 1964 classic that ran on 88 minutes.I take 2 stars off because it is still a slasher film but at least there is a fairly interesting story to justify the slaughter.Pretty good acting as well headed by Cameron Mitchell and Eva Bartok.So if you want more than a teen slice up film,try it.It's almost as good as Frenzy and Psycho story wise. Almost.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Isabella, a young model is murdered by a mysterious masked figure at a boarding house run by Max Morlacchi and his lover Countess Cristiana Como. When Isabella's boyfriend is suspected of the killing, her diary, which apparently has some incriminating evidence linking her to the killer, dissapears, the masked killer begins killing off all the models in and around the house to find the diary. Written by Anonymous

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sergeant York - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1941 and shot in B&W and running a bit long at 134 minutes,those are the reasons I took 1 star of a film that couldn't be made today and that would be a shame.
All the rules of today's "political correctness"were broken but this film was made much closer to the time of the events than to today and thats the charm and treat of its relevance.
The actions of one Sergeant York,played by academy award winner for the performance,Gary Cooper aren't even shown until well into the second hour.No,the first hour is a telling of poverty as a way of the hard life in Tennessee back in the early 1900's.
From that back ground we begin to learn of  the life of Alvin C. York and a little of what made the man who became the most decorated US soldier of WW1. Very PC incorrect but very accurate,believe it or not,for the time.MUST see for historical relevance,both socially and historically.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary for those very young or trapped in"the bubble"

True story of a hillbilly sharpshooter drafted in WW1 despite his claim to be a pacifist, who ends up becoming a war hero.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Airport ( 1970 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

The film that inspired 4 remakes and updates and then a slew of comedic spoofs.Truly a classic in every sense.Fine acting,good script and more than a little nostalgic considering todays security at airports.This film captures the allure and glamor of what was then still a growing fun experience and adds to it drama and human frailty.Many who have seen the comedy of the "Airplane"movie franchise will see just were some of the great parody came from.The cast is A+ headed by  Burt Lancaster,Dean Martin and a host of others in the mood  of the true disaster genre.Released in 1970 it runs 137 minutes and I took 1 star off for being very dated,BUT its still a bucket list film.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Mel Bakersfeld is the hard-charging manager of Lincoln International Airport, trying to keep his airport open despite a raging Midwestern snowstorm and an angry wife. Meanwhile, his antagonistic brother-in-law, Vernon Demerest, may have his plans for a placid layover in Italy disturbed by unexpected news from Gwen Meighen, and by the plans of the D.O. Guerrero, the loose cannon on board. Written by Steve Fenwick <>

Friday, November 9, 2012

4 For Texas - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

OK,its not a "great western"buts its a good example of the funny by play that both Sinatra and Martin were capable of back in the day.Also what a difference in"sex symbols"with then stars Anita Ekberg and Ursula Andress vs todays stars.Lets just say they would never"drown"and weren't starving.Also interesting to see Charles Bronson as a bad guy and a host of familiar actors from that time.Released in 1963 and running a bit long at 124 minutes,it has laughs and shows the difference in humor from then to now.I took the 1 and 1/2 stars off because its no great story just a fun ride with two of the best there ever was and two women who,well…………
Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below

Sharpshooters Zack Thomas and Joe Jarrett are in a Texan stage-coach and manage to fight off Matson's robber gang, so afterward they can fight over the $100,000 cash carried by a railroad official. Both make it to Galveston, where each, including vexed Matson, meets up with respective accomplices in various dirty schemes. The money keeps changing hands and the scene shifts to a river boat, which should multiply the winnings as a casino, but the crooks and bullets follow. Written by KGF Vissers

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gone to Texas - AKA- Houston:The Legend of Texas - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes even before HBO,a TV movie was made worth seeing.Not the huge budget to give the subject was it deserves,but for its time,1986 it's really quite good.Sam Elliott as Sam Houston is the focus and the scope of the story that is almost as broad as the USA itself.So some will be disappointed at the short,quick overview of many very important details.There is so very much to tell. And like many TV movies it starts so very slow that only the power of Elliott's screen presence keeps you interested.Surly someone will one day make a true picture of the father of Texas.He deserves it,booze,women and all.For remember this,he was a head of state,governor of two states and a congressman and senator from different states,Who else in our country had that pedigree??
How much is fact,or fiction,I don't know,however I would like to know about his dream for a indian nation in Texas before he ever went there.If Honest Abe is getting a new look this year,I believe Houston should get one two.For all its flaws and unevenness,this film temps you to learn more about this crazy character and very unique figure in our history.REMAKE !!!! The film runs 144 minutes and I took 1 star off for the slow start and being a TV movie
Sorry I can find no trailer or scenes online.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dirty Harry 4 stars out of 5 stars

Do you feel lucky punk??A quote we all know from a screen character we've all heard of even if we haven't seen the films.Oh yeah,there were four sequels.Sadly the film seems dated ,in dress and feel, and political correctness but its a lot of fun and well,only a chair wouldn't be afraid of old Dirty Harry.Released in 1971 and running 102 minutes I took the one star off for the reasons I mentioned above.But like the "Death Wish" series of films you can't help loving Clint Eastwood cutting thru all the BS and insuring the bad guys get what the deserve.If only the real world were so simple.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary for those who live in a bubble.

In the year 1971, San Francisco faces the terror of a maniac known as Scorpio- who snipes at innocent victims and demands ransom through notes left at the scene of the crime. Inspector Harry Callahan (known as Dirty Harry by his peers through his reputation handling of homicidal cases) is assigned to the case along with his newest partner Inspector Chico Gonzalez to track down Scorpio and stop him. Using humiliation and cat and mouse type of games against Callahan, Scorpio is put to the test with the cop with a dirty attitude. Written by commanderblue

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Evita - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Let me say this film is engrossing IF and its a big if,you can stay with it.I have 2 major issues with it.First,I HATE in the action but not really there narrators.Second its NOT a musical but a opera.Now  Antonio Banderas is fine as Ché,the narrator or maybe its a shout out to that cuban revolutionary Guevara,doesn't matter,its just annoys me. Opera is NOT a traditional musical but a whole movie of"sung"dialogue unlike the traditional broadway musical you might think your going to see as its based on such a "musical".So casting Madonna     as Eva Perón was brilliant.So these two major irritants plus the 135 minute length and a incoherent history of true Peronist politics forces me to take 1 and 1/2 stars off.However this 1996 release scores well in the capturing of the post war feel of the 40's and 50's as well as any film since"Godfather"truly well crafted for effect. Shedding enough light on this period of Argentine politics is also a plus as I hope you'll want to know much more and the period and the Perón's life.It's not what you may have hoped for but its a decent enough film if you give it a chance.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

High-flying, adored! The film adaptation of the hit Broadway musical depicting the infamous real-life story of Eva "Evita" Duarte de Peron, the wife of President Juan Peron, who rose from poverty to become the most famous Argentine woman in history. Her huge political influence and constant charity works earned her scorn and fear from the military and upper classes but adoration and love from the workers and descamisados. Evita's legendary life is displayed before your eyes as the most hated and most beloved woman in Argentina. Written by O.G.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Sitter - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

OK we gone through the comedy thing many times before and well,this movie is kinda BAD.However I like Jonah Hill and Sam Rockwell was outstanding BUT little Landry Bender has future star written all over her.The rest of the cast is ok,but the story is STUPID.Still it has a few funny spots and gags and it looks like most of it was shot in my old stomping grounds as a kid.Released in 2011 and LONG at 81 minutes,its more like a bunch of quick sketches than a coherent believable movie.Therefore my lowest,still ok to view, rating of 2 1/2 stars.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Noah, is not your typical entertain-the-kids-no-matter-how-boring-it-is kind of sitter. He's reluctant to take a sitting gig; he'd rather, well, be doing anything else, especially if it involves slacking. When Noah is watching the neighbor's kid he gets a booty call from his girlfriend in the city. To hook up with her, Noah takes to the streets, but his urban adventure spins out of control as he finds himself on the run from a maniacal drug lord.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Wild Bunch - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Simply one of 2 or 3 of the greatest westerns ever made.Perhaps a bit to violent for some but otherwise nothing to like in this 1969 release that runs 145 minutes and doesn't even seem that long.The film is essential viewing because director and writer  Sam
Peckinpah,infused the bloodiest shootout ever seen up to that time  that brought adulthood to a genre of film that hinted but never got down and dirty before.However the film is far more than that,it not only fused the older elements of good vs bad,evil and redemption,but added something new,"OLD AGE"as well as the familiar theme of being left behind to progress and the winds of change.The cast is "A+"headed by William Holden and Ernest Borgnine and a host of others.Essential viewing for any serious movie fan or jut western fans in general.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

In the Wild Bunch the movie opens with a group of aging outlaw's final score, a bank robbery. The event concludes with a violent and overtly bloody shootout that would generally mark the finale of a movie. This is correct in that it marks the finale of an era, for the characters and the world they live in. They simply can no longer keep up, the times are changing, technology advancing, and they're style of life is getting left behind in the dust that they spent so long galloping through. They abandon their careers for the simpler life of retirement. They enjoy this time, they live their fantasies. During this time the law is always on their tracks, bounty hunters. The further into their fantasy they get, the closer their demise seems to get. When one of their own is captured they are faced with the choice of escape or what is certainly a suicide mission to attempt and free their fallen behind comrade... Written by

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Last Man Standing - ( 1996 ) - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Not a great film but the almost comic book shoot outs set in a west texas near the border town  during prohibition makes for a guilty pleasure.Released in 1996 and running 101 minutes,there are other films with the same name,however,this is like no others.The cast is 
"B+",headed by Bruce Willis and under utilizing Christopher Walken,even good old Bruce Dern and not yet a star Michael Imperioli,jump out among many other familiar character actors.The story is stupid thus 1 and 1/2 stars off,but the feeling is so antique and desolate that you have to love the"feel"of the film.I liked it and feel so ashamed,ha,ha.
Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

John Smith is an amoral gunslinger in the days of Prohibition. On the lam from his latest (unspecified) exploits, he happens upon the town of Jericho, Texas. Actually, calling Jericho a town would be too generous--it has become more like a ghost town, since two warring gangs have 'driven off all the decent folk.' Smith sees this as an opportunity to play both sides off against each other, earning himself a nice piece of change as a hired gun. Despite his strictly avowed mercenary intentions, he finds himself risking his life for his, albeit skewed, sense of honor.... Written by Tad Dibbern <>

Friday, November 2, 2012

1941 - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1979 and running 118 minutes,this   Steven Spielberg is a bit to slyck.It opens with a homage to his hugely successful "Jaws"than try to have a "SNL" and"Animal house"feel.Sorry,WW11 wasn't that funny.However the "A"cast does make many of the jokes work,but there are too many "inside"jokes and that robs the film of staying power.So 1 and 1/2 off for slickness,inside jokes,and some poor taste.Still the overtop fear of invasion on the west coast, during that war ,does lend itself to a little satire.You choice as I have stated many times about humor.My main reason for recommending is John Belushi,Dan Aykroyd,Tim Matheson,Christopher Lee and Toshirô Mifune.Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary below.

Hysteria grips California in the wake of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. An assorted group of defenders attempt to make the coast defensible against an imagined Japanese invasion, in this big budget, big cast comedy. Members of a Japanese submarine crew scout out the madness, along with a Captain in Germany's Kreigsmarine (Navy). Written by Keith Loh <>

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Elmer Gantry - 5 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes a film truly becomes art,such is the case with this 1960 film that although its a might long at 146 minutes,is none the less flawless as art.True enough,many only thought of it as a indictment of religion as home to the flim flan man.No,its much more than that.It IS a story of religion and faith,deception and contrivance but above all that it is a story of the human condition.Fine acting by all involved but mainly by Burt Lancaster in as dominate role as any even preformed on the screen.Below I have posted the IMDB summary as well as the trailer URL after the picture but my take on the film is this.Its a hard cruel world and only belief and hope gives you the strength to plug along.Set in the prohibition era after the end of WW1,this country was slowly moving from a agricultural society to a urban one and that meant a whole new set of trials and tribulations for us all.It has been said that religion is the refuge of fools,no,to me,its a anchor in a turbulent world.After watching this film you just might understand the forces at work in Islam today,just as the forces at work in Christianity had their modern upheavals in the time depicted in this film.Was Elmer the devil or Jesus stuck in a modern desert battling the devil ?Was Sister Sharon Falconer,played by Jean Simmons,a saint or a fool?Shirley Jones as Lulu Bains,a post modern Mary Magdalene ??
So many questions and points of views.Just like any work of art.Must see bucket list film,today,more than ever. 

Elmer Gantry is a fast talking, hard drinking traveling salesman who always has a risqué story and a hip flask to entertain cronies and customers alike. He is immediately taken with Sister Sharon Falconer, a lay preacher whose hellfire and damnation revivalism has attracted quite a following. Gantry uses his own quick wit and knowledge of the bible to become an indispensable part of Sister Sharon's roadshow but soon finds that his past catches up with him in the form of Lulu Bains, now a prostitute. While Gantry seeks and eventually gets forgiveness from Sharon, tragedy strikes when she finally manages to get out of her revivalist tent and opens a permanent church. Written by garykmcd