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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thelma and Louise - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Tough movie to review and so I give it my lowest "see"rating of 2 1/2 stars,50/50.
You see I have a very hard time having sympathy for characters that,well,get themselves into bad situations and then suffer the consequences.That in a nut shell in the story."Fat,dumb and stupid is no way to go through life son"was a quote from a 10 ten movie I loved ,Dean Warmer said in "Animal House"to Flounder.Well Thelma and Louise are two innocent yet"dumb and stupid"characters that allowed themselves through their own short comings to wind up where they did.Sorry,I have BIG issues with that as to investing my time and sympathy.
Now on the plus side.It takes great film making and acting to illicit a point of view as being believable even when objectionable,to this viewer.Released in 1991 and running long at 130 minutes,director  Ridley Scott accomplishes this.Susan Sarandon IS Louise Sawyer and Geena Davis IS Thelma and well Harvey Keitel  as Hal,a cop chasing them,can play ANYTHING.Brad Pitt is fine as eye candy,and the rest of the cast work well. Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

An Arkansas waitress and a housewife shoot a rapist and take off in a '66 Thunderbird.

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