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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Idiocracy - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Silly,dumb,and stupid and all mankind is that way 500 years in the future,or so this film suggests.The dumb breed together and out produce the smart into a world of stagnate self indulgent jerks and its FUNNY.Ok,there are the forget how we got there and other believe at face value shortcomings worth 1 and 1/2 stars off,but all in all I laughed.Released in 2006 and only 84 minutes long,it stars Luke Wilson,who I think is the more talented of the brothers,and Maya Rudolph in the only thing outside SNL she has done that I like.Still the cast is not as important and the joke here on us all.If "The Onion"made a movie,this would be it.IMDB summary below and a trailer link after the pix.Silly but funny,ha,ha.

The purpose of the program set up by the Pentagon, called the "Human Hibernation Project," is designed so that the military can save their best men for when they're needed most. According to the officers heading the project, too many times the talents and expensive training of the best pilots and soldiers go to waste during times of peace. So they enlist Bauers (Wilson), the most under-achieving average guy they've got, to be the test subject for the initial hibernation experiment. Also participating in the top-secret program is Rita (Rudolph), a prostitute who agreed to take part in exchange for dropping some criminal charges against her, among other things. Of course, the experiment, which was to last only a year, goes under due to the arrest of Officer Collins, who is busted for heading a prostitution ring. Seeing as though he was in charge of the experiment, one of the only ones who knew of its existence, and "due to a lot of top-secret red tape... Written by Slider

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