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Monday, November 19, 2012

Hawaii - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Very interesting if not downright controversial film and far to long at 189 minutes which is the ONLY reason I took 1 star of this majestic 1966 film based on a novel by  James Michener.The screenplay was written by Dalton Trumbo  and if you look him up you'll find out some very interesting things about him.Back to the film.Filmed the way most novels were back in that day,its sprawling and paints a very detailed broad canvas thus the long sometimes boring scenes.There are a few ways to look at this film,the Trumbo effect,but the clash of 1820's New England Christian fundamentalist culture vs the almost childlike native Hawaii's is undeniable.It's also a tragic love story for a few families and well,perhaps a little redemption ?? Thats debatable as well.The cast is "A" list but stands firmly on the acting of Julie Andrews and Max von Sydow. So for a exotic historical drama that does demand your time,check it out.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Abner Hale, a rigid and humorless New England missionary, marries the beautiful Jerusha Bromley and takes her to the exotic island kingdom of Hawaii, intent on converting the natives. But the clash between the two cultures is too great and instead of understanding there comes tragedy. Written by Jim Beaver <>

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