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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gone to Texas - AKA- Houston:The Legend of Texas - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes even before HBO,a TV movie was made worth seeing.Not the huge budget to give the subject was it deserves,but for its time,1986 it's really quite good.Sam Elliott as Sam Houston is the focus and the scope of the story that is almost as broad as the USA itself.So some will be disappointed at the short,quick overview of many very important details.There is so very much to tell. And like many TV movies it starts so very slow that only the power of Elliott's screen presence keeps you interested.Surly someone will one day make a true picture of the father of Texas.He deserves it,booze,women and all.For remember this,he was a head of state,governor of two states and a congressman and senator from different states,Who else in our country had that pedigree??
How much is fact,or fiction,I don't know,however I would like to know about his dream for a indian nation in Texas before he ever went there.If Honest Abe is getting a new look this year,I believe Houston should get one two.For all its flaws and unevenness,this film temps you to learn more about this crazy character and very unique figure in our history.REMAKE !!!! The film runs 144 minutes and I took 1 star off for the slow start and being a TV movie
Sorry I can find no trailer or scenes online.

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