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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Last Man Standing - ( 1996 ) - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Not a great film but the almost comic book shoot outs set in a west texas near the border town  during prohibition makes for a guilty pleasure.Released in 1996 and running 101 minutes,there are other films with the same name,however,this is like no others.The cast is 
"B+",headed by Bruce Willis and under utilizing Christopher Walken,even good old Bruce Dern and not yet a star Michael Imperioli,jump out among many other familiar character actors.The story is stupid thus 1 and 1/2 stars off,but the feeling is so antique and desolate that you have to love the"feel"of the film.I liked it and feel so ashamed,ha,ha.
Trailer URL follows the picture and a IMDB summary is below.

John Smith is an amoral gunslinger in the days of Prohibition. On the lam from his latest (unspecified) exploits, he happens upon the town of Jericho, Texas. Actually, calling Jericho a town would be too generous--it has become more like a ghost town, since two warring gangs have 'driven off all the decent folk.' Smith sees this as an opportunity to play both sides off against each other, earning himself a nice piece of change as a hired gun. Despite his strictly avowed mercenary intentions, he finds himself risking his life for his, albeit skewed, sense of honor.... Written by Tad Dibbern <>

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