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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sergeant York - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1941 and shot in B&W and running a bit long at 134 minutes,those are the reasons I took 1 star of a film that couldn't be made today and that would be a shame.
All the rules of today's "political correctness"were broken but this film was made much closer to the time of the events than to today and thats the charm and treat of its relevance.
The actions of one Sergeant York,played by academy award winner for the performance,Gary Cooper aren't even shown until well into the second hour.No,the first hour is a telling of poverty as a way of the hard life in Tennessee back in the early 1900's.
From that back ground we begin to learn of  the life of Alvin C. York and a little of what made the man who became the most decorated US soldier of WW1. Very PC incorrect but very accurate,believe it or not,for the time.MUST see for historical relevance,both socially and historically.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary for those very young or trapped in"the bubble"

True story of a hillbilly sharpshooter drafted in WW1 despite his claim to be a pacifist, who ends up becoming a war hero.

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