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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blue River - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Interesting enough,I accidentally found this TV movie looking for something else.Sometimes thats fortunate as in this case.Released in 1995 and running 90 minutes its a challenging film on a few levels.But like most early TV movies it relies on a good cast to breath life into a conflicted broken home/sibling tension filled/religious/single parent/midwest family situation of growing up.I can't relate but i do find the storyline quite interesting if hard to comprehend.So lets just say if you liked a movie, say like"A river runs thru it"then you might enjoy this rather obscure film.The trailer is a quick poor quality TV commercial,sorry,and it follows the picture.A IMDB summary is below.

The stormy relationship of a young teenage boy with his troubled older brother is told in an extended flashback segment bookended by what happens when the two meet again 15 years later. Edward is a young teen living in a family the father abandoned years before and where the mother has become a Christian fundamentalist and courts a self-righteous school principal. In this setting, Edward tries to come to grips with his feelings towards the brother he both loves and fears, while struggling to protect his family and others from his brother's wrath. Written by Sean Parlaman <>

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