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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Galaxy Quest - 4 stars out of 5 stars

I didn't "get" this picture back in 1999 when it was released and runs for only 102 minutes.I do now and took only 1 star off for being so far fetched only a target group like me would really get it.As a Star Trek fan its easy to dismiss as a bad spoof,maybe thats what I did before.But now I realize its more like a mid age life crises film rapped in sci-fi and youthful longing signifying…….,well signifying LIFE and live it now however you can because it will end and fantasies are very lonely when there is no sharing.Maybe I am now over reading the message,but by all means,see it for yourself and you be the judge.It's more than a TV sci-fi spoof.Even the casting works far better than you think.I am not a Tim Allen fan but he does fit the part well here.As does Alan Rickman and even Sigourney Weaver,which I thought may have been a stretch before.The rest of the cast is fine as well.
The story,well,Star Trek like TV show has beens in a "Last Star Fighter"setting is obvious but I now see far more later in my life.The sci-fi is silly,but the mid life and youthful exuberance are something else.Trailer URL follows the pix and a brief IMDB summary is below.

The alumni cast of a cult space TV show have to play their roles as the real thing when an alien race needs their help.

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