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Sunday, December 2, 2012

View From the Top 4 stars out of 5 stars

Ah one of the gems I look for.I really can't remember this film from 2003 that is only 87 minutes long. Perhaps it suffered from Gwyneth Paltrow hatred??No matter,its MY kinda comedy so enjoy it.My only issue is the story is a little out there,thats why I took 1 star off,but hey,its a MOVIE !!!!Loved the cast and some quick cameo's that fit well,but you will be the judge for yourself.Comedy is subjective,but,there's something to be said for people dealt a bad hand by life to overcome that, in a romantic yet funny way.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

Donna Jensen was raised literally and figuratively on the wrong side of the trailer park in Silver Springs, Nevada. She always believed it was her destiny to get out of Silver Springs. After reading Sally Weston's book, Sally who is arguably the most famous now ex-flight attendant in the world, Donna believes the path to leaving Silver Springs is to become a flight attendant despite never having been on an airplane. After an initial bumpy start to this career, Donna shows a natural flair for the job, so much so that she applies to work for world class Royal Airlines, where Sally Weston mentors. After meeting Donna, Sally believes Donna is destined for flight attendant greatness, namely working first class in the New York-Paris flights. Donna believes in herself as a flight attendant, but has to overcome some obstacles, including flight attendant trainer John Witney, who has some hidden anger issues... Written by Huggo

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