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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sweet Charity - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Sadly this 1969 musical that runs a bit long at 149 minutes doesn't stand well the test of time because it shows its dateness extremely badly.Plus the story is just a step above the hooker with a heart of good,in this case,dance house hostess.Thus a 50/50 take it or leave it 2 1/2 stars.The good however is a time capsule view of the 60's in NYC and a rare chance to see a Bob Fosses and Neil Simon collaboration in this musical choreographed and written by those two giants of Broadway.Oh yes the cast is stellar as well, headed by Shirley MacLaine and a host of  "A" listers.So its viewable in a historical context when you feel nostalgic or want to see what the 60's were like in a few areas.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.

 Taxi dancer Charity continues to have Faith in the human race despite apparently endless disappointments at its hands, and Hope that she will finally meet the nice young man to romance her away from her sleazy life. Maybe, just maybe, handsome Oscar will be the one to do it. Written by Jeremy Perkins <>

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