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Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun Control posting "Rant"instead of a movie/TV series review because of the horror at Newtown, Connecticut.

For you International readers that may not know,the story link is below and then my"rant"follows.

I've become obsessed with the tragic shooting because it is now the 9/11 of gun ownership in this country.YES,the 9/11.
After 9/11 the government,republican,but with the consent of the people,passed the patriot act.The link to this act is below as well as a sarcastic image or reality check,depending on your point of view.

When confronted with protests from the left that this new law violates civil rights,the rights answer was"The constitution is NOT a suicide pack"YET now they  shamelessly throw the second amendment at you as a cause to keep assault weapons or as I had stated in the past,one on one weapons off mass destruction. Other diversions are mental illness help,yet they attack funding for Obama care,lack of morality and the break up of the family unit,including abortion,while this killer shot his mom and was raised in a conservative community.
I don't know this answer.I do know there are more and more people so "common sense"would dictate more and more times this might happen.
So all I say is think of China.No guns yet a crazed maniac attacked a school anyway and
using a knife could only"wound"not kill because his weapon wasn't effective enough.
See a link to THAT story as it relates to this below

So based upon world wide shootings arises one can only be sure that as population growth increase evil people as well.Then why ban most guns??
Mostly because they make it soooooooooo easy to kill on a massive scale or as I said early,one on one weapons of mass distraction.
Do we really need them for protection.Yes if you fear attack.Bring a gun to a knife fight the old saying goes.However I maintain with 300 million guns in the US alone its not the knife fight people fear.Its still racism and secularism.Yes people in"the heartland" still are afraid of the "bi-coastal"mentality,and visa versa.THAT's where a true dialogue is needed because once guns are far harder to come by,they will not be used to kill for some sicko.
I hate to blame the victim,but we have to ask,this killers mom argued for help with his disabilities yet by her own STUPIDITY,yes stupidity,supplied the weapons for his fowl deeds and her own demise.WHY,did SHE need those kinds of "toys" with a damaged child.Another question to ask,yet it ignores this fact.He might still have strangled or stabbed her,if she had no such weapons,but he would have been over powered by the two women he shot dead entering the school.Maybe,maybe not,but its highly doubtful he would have killed 20 children before being overcome.
Oh,and the Timothy Mcvie case?? He was a domestic terrorist with a grudge against the FBI,not a run of the mill manic and how many other "bombings"are there compared to shootings??
No,thats a silly argument.People DO kill people but much more and far easier when they can use a gun,and the faster it shoots,the better.

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