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Friday, December 14, 2012

The Untouchables - 4 stars out of 5 stars

From 1959 to 1963 the TV series"The Untouchables" was one of the most popular shows on.But like some movies of the the same area,there was more that meets the eye in "subliminal"messaging in that series.Still it was a truly exciting show in a new area of entertainment and will always be remembered.So in 1987 running 119 minutes,Director Brian De Palma brings us a just as exciting though changed in many ways,version to the screen.I had to take 1 star off because well,the TV show had GREAT music and Walter Winchell as a narrator and well Robert Stack WAS Eliot Ness.In this film the actors,while fine ,don't stand out above the story as in the TV show with perhaps only Sean Connery as Jim Malone,a character that wasn't in the TV show,coming closest.The rest are just OK as is the music and NO narration.
Its De Palma's filming that stands out.He gets away with killing a child,a hollywood no-no, as close as it can be shown with split second film cutting.Stages a classic Calvary style horse charge with machine guns against cars on a bridge,and finally pays homage to the silent screen Russian classic,"Battleship Potemkin"in a railroad station with a few sailors shot BUT the baby in the carriage and her mom LIVE,a reversal of the Russian film where the sailors fired on the Czars guards after they killed civilians including the mom and her baby in one of the most enduring scenes of cinema ever shot anywhere,anytime.De Palma made s labor of love to the past TV show and movie and prohibition while giving it his own unique bloody style. If you like action within moral content,see the film.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Federal Agent Eliot Ness sets out to stop Al Capone; because of rampant corruption, he assembles a small, hand-picked team.

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