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Friday, December 21, 2012

What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

If we are to truly have a discussion on mental illness we need to first have some understanding of the mind to begin with.
Since the days of Carl Sagan's "Cosmos"one has to be entertained in order to pay attention to what is the most boring of education subjects,those of the sciences. Einstein once  called Quantum physics a "Junk science"This film is highly controversial because it embraces this science completely under the guise of the mind.

AHhhhhhh,that is the value of this film now,today.

The mind,how little we know and will still not know after viewing this film.It also attacks organized views of religion while leaving open a more intimate,personnel view of spirituality.That along with the junk science embrace makes it a turn off to many.That is,till the Conn shootings.
Midway into this film a well done attempt to explain the chemical reactions in the mind that alter our perceptions and blur reality are the main reason to see this film.
When they enter the "wedding"scene is when this film hits its stride.Everyone MUST understand somewhat how the mind is effected by chemicals in order to see that any meaningful discussion on mental illness will be a "expensive"one and if you examine the changes in health plans,mental coverages are dropping to less and less,as are medical research expenedures.
So see this film and maybe the"entertainment"value will enlighten you to just how little we truly understand and MUST learn to stop these shootings.This film was released in 2004 and runs 109 minutes and then was re-edited with extra scenes and re-released in 2006 as"What the Bleep!?: Down the Rabbit Hole".The IMDB summary I added below is from that film and fits short and sweet to what this film is all about.However I have yet to see that re-release.I took 1/2 star off because I don't agree with some theories but that aside,the point is to have a discussion and this film does indeed provide that forum in a very entertaining way.Must see.The trailer URL follows the picture.

Interviews with scientists and authors, animated bits, and a storyline involving a deaf photographer are used in this docudrama to illustrate the link between quantum mechanics, neurobiology, human consciousness and day-to-day reality.

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