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Friday, January 27, 2012

The 13th Warrior - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1999 and running 102 minutes,this is a interesting idea of a banished arab and norseman warriors joining forces to defeat a a unknown enemy.I took 1 and 1/2 stars stars off for some excess violence and under utilizing the great Omar Sharif as Melchisidek .    Antonio Banderas as Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan  shows the action talent that would later be seen in more films broadening his horizons from just romantic roles.For me the beginning of mix and match allies joining forces to fight a common enemy type of sword and sorcery sub genre of films.WHEW !!!Anyway trailer URL follows pix and a IMDB summary below.Nasty but dirty pleasure film !!

In AD 922, an important emissary who is banished from his homeland. The nomadic outcast comes across a band of Norse warriors who coerce him into joining them when they are summoned to fight mysterious creatures legendary for consuming every living thing in their path. Eventually surrounded by the frightening and ferocious foe, Ibn must conquer his personal fears and help battle the illusive invaders--who emerge out of the shroud of fog in the black of the night. Written by Anthony Pereyra {}

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