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Monday, January 2, 2012

Red Riding Hood ( 2011 ) - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This is NOT "twilight"it's NOT a werewolf picture,it's NOT a fairy tale retelling,it's NOT a 9/11 losing civil rights parable,thats why I took 1 and 1/2 stars off.It's all of the above and none of them.I'm somewhat confused but I enjoyed it non the less.
    It starts off as a werewolf picture set back in the dark ages,where wonderful Amanda Seyfried as Valerie ( red riding hood ) learns her sister has become the latest victim of a werewolf. Then crazy man Gary Oldman as Solomon/priest sort of cross between a  spanish inquisition and Van Helsing  sort - re your civil rights suspension here - arrives to fight the beast.Intermixed is your love but promised to some one else and illicit births and marriages of convenance soap opera stuff.It's easy to see a twilight sort of comparison BUT towards the end we also see the fairy tale kick in with a strong dose of twilight.Hate to tell the ending but daddy ( Billy Burke ) is the werewolf and Valerie was to be his here.
Aside from all the confusion of what kind of film it wanted to be it is a dark moody piece and that suits todays market well.The credits list Leonardo DiCaprio, as a executive producer,to bad he didn't take a role as one of the 2 love's of Valerie.Released in 2011 it runs a just right 100 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix

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