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Monday, January 9, 2012

Envy - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2004 and running 99 minutes I only recommend the film for the cast.The story is weird and the ending screams of the classic"The Jerk"perhaps thats why the film is not a favorite of most.For that,I take 2 stars off but I still laughed a few times.
"Va-poo-rizer"com'on thats funny and I'm not a fan of poop humor!!Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Ben Stiller and Jack Black star as Tim and Nick, best friends, neighbors and co-workers, whose equal footing is suddenly tripped up when one of Nick's harebrained get-rich-quick schemes actually succeeds: Vapoorizer, a spray that literally makes dog poop, or any other kind for that matter, evaporate into thin air -- to where exactly is anyone's guess. Tim, who had scoffed at Nick's idea and passed on an opportunity to get in on the deal, can only watch as Nick's fortune -- and Tim's own envy -- grow to equally outrageous proportions. When the flames of jealousy are fanned by an oddball drifter (Walken) who imposes himself into the situation, Tim's life careens wildly out of control ... taking Nick's with it. Written by Anonymous

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