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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Natural - 4 stars out of 5 stars

OK its hooky and corny and I loved it.Baseball fantasy as it should be from another time and place.No steroids,only drinking and betting and crazy women who shoot up and coming players.Still best baseball movie ever made.Great music as well, as a final redemptive home run is hit.The cast is "A" list with Robert Redford as Roy Hobbs leading the way.Baseball was America's game and so intertwined with our lives that it lent itself to being a metaphor for the human experience.In this case it's wasted talent throw away on youthful indifference and the long hard road back to right oneself's life,even if it can never be what it should have been.The only reason I took 1 star off is because i just don't like the idea a woman can be a metaphor for both temptation and redemption in a sport plus its a might long.Small issues of mine and others think just the opposite.I guess YOU have to see it to decide yourself.Released in 1984 it runs a little long 134 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix and a IMDB summary below.

An unknown middle-aged batter named Roy Hobbs with a mysterious past appears out of nowhere to take a losing 1930s baseball team to the top of the league in this magical sports fantasy. With the aid of a bat cut from a lightning struck tree, Hobbs lives the fame he should have had earlier when, as a rising pitcher, he is inexplicably shot by a young woman. Written by Keith Loh <>

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