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Monday, January 16, 2012

Tabloid ( 2010 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

 It seems there are a few films with the same name as this.Filmed in 2010 and running only 87 minutes,this is a documentary based on a wild sexual affair over 2 continents between a beauty queen and a young Mormon minister,named KIRK of all things, finally ending with dog cloning !!!! I guess this story began when I was involved in work and family or whatever and not paying attention to tabloids which are the forbearers of todays reality TV.The only reason I noticed it now was because it mentioned"Mormon"and well I watched for that and stayed for the train wreck.Joyce McKinney was and is still alive and featured in interviews,a former Miss Wyoming who became obsessed with a young guy who ,it seemed,left her to go on "mission"to England.She however thought he was brainwashed by a cult and mounted a rescue mission to"save"him.From there the story is so unbelievable and full of wild stuff I can't begin to explain it.Be warned it is at times sexually explicit both in pictures, but much more so, in language, both graphic and snickering. As wild as that sounds add her eventual seclusion leading to a crazy tale of dog cloning in Korea!!!
Popcorn stuff for you reality geeks out there.Yup the world is full of crazy stupid people and this film is full of some.I took 1 star off because you have to be a bit wacked like me to sit through it.Trailer URL below the pix.

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