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Friday, January 20, 2012

The Thing from another World ( 1951) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

The 1950's were the golden age of sci-fi films. Spurred on by the "cold war"between east and west, Hollywood used these films as metaphors for the menace of the red peril.However these metaphors were fine films that thrilled and expanded the imagination to further more polished endeavors in the 60's and 70's without the overt metaphoric messages of the cold war,like Star Trek and Star Wars ect.
   This film has been remade and the "remake"remade BUT this film version is still the first and in my mind the best.I grew up in this period and was in awe of the"geophysical year"which involved the exploration of Antarctica. So here comes a film where a scientific expedition by chance finds a flying saucer buried in the ice.Well silly human beings,they dig it out and discover a frozen "traveler".Bad move,soon the being is lose and using human blood to feed offspring.Yes,we are only"food"for them dispute the argument between people in the expedition that beings that advanced to travel can't be so unaware of our rights as humans.Silly humans thats like US thinking those industrious little ants are worthy to live side by side with us at OUR PICNIC !!!!
Not to mention there's a scary scene when they open a door and "The Thing"is on the other side and leaps at them.First scene I can ever remember that scared me in a movie.
I only took 1 star off for being filmed in black and white and slightly dated.Released in 1951 and runs 87 minutes. Be careful there colorized versions out there and I believe I first saw a much longer version of 2 hours or so as a kid.The trailer URL follows the pix.
A fine cast of sic fi vets along with a soon to be MEGA TV star James Arness as the thing.
I'll never forget the ending after the humans wins,a reporter urges them to be prepared and "Look to the sky"as they will be back!!!

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