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Friday, September 30, 2011

My Blueberry Nights - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

A rather interesting cast makes this movie worth a view.Although the story is kinda far fetched the actors try hard and Norah Jones can act a little besides being the outstanding singer we all knew she was.1 1/2 stars off for the "out there"story.Released in 2007 it runs 97 minutes. Norah Jones as Elizabeth ,Jude Law as Jeremy ,David Strathairn as Arnie ,Rachel Weisz as Sue Lynne and finally Natalie Portman as Leslie are all outstanding with a good supporting cast as well.Directed by a Kar Wai Wong,who also wrote the story , whom I had never heard of before,makes for a pleasurable viewing.Trailer URL follows pix.IMDB summary below.

Elizabeth's heart is broken. For solace, she drops in late at night a few times at Jeremy's diner for blueberry pie a la mode; they talk. Once, he watchers her sleep, her head on the counter. Abruptly, she leaves New York City to get away from her pain. She works a couple of jobs in Memphis. There, a heart-broken cop is drinking himself into oblivion, his ex occasionally showing up where he drinks and Lizzy works. Then, she's in Nevada, working at a casino where she uses her savings (she wants a car) to stake Leslie, a busted gambler, in a high rollers' game. After, Beth drives Leslie to Vegas where Leslie's estranged father lives. Broken relationships. What about Jeremy? Written by <>

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Crazy as Hell - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Psychology has always been a "junk"science to me so a film like this should warm my heart.Sadly it only hints at the truth of the lack of real science and more of "above the fray"egos of those who practice it as a "art form"That's the reason I can only give this film 2 1/2 stars.Released in 2002 it runs 112 minutes and has a good cast of "b"level actors who do the best they can with a very slow developing story of madness by the ones who we though treat it.Below in a IMDB summary and the trailer URL follows the pix.If you think as I do,that the rise of  psychology coincides with the decline of civilization than hope,as I do,that better films are on the way and rejoice at least that this film was made,poor as it is.

A famous psychiatrist (Ty Adams) takes on the job of trying to cure patients at the Sedah State Hospital, run by it's folksy doctor (Sam Delazo). All this takes a strange turn when a mysterious patient (Satan, he calls himself) enters the Hospital seeking help. Or is it just help that he wants? Written by Anonymous

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thief - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Michael Mann's landmark film IMHO.Not only James Caan at the top of his game as Frank a master safecracker but William Petersen in a bit part in which I guess he impressed enough to get the lead in Manhunter,a masterpiece of Mann's that I'll review later.Even a small but well acted part by Willie Nelson as Okla ( why not tex ?)a con who mentored Frank in prison.The film also had the added publicity of threatened lawsuits claiming that too many secrets of safecracking were being shown giving even more credence to the grit of the film.The story is simple.Frank and his buddy Barry played by James Belushi crack safes on the side.Leo played by a Mann,newly discovered favorite,Robert Prosky ,runs a crew that whats Frank to work for them.He arranges to help Frank and his girl Jessie, well played by Tuesday Weld ,adopt a baby when no agency would help.Frank is on board only for one job so he can get enough money for a good lawyer to get Okla out of jail as he is now terminally ill and wants to die outside.Of course Leo lies and wants to keep Frank in the crew.The rest it really rough gritty stuff but bloody good fun as well.Highly recommended and only took 1 star off because it is kinda dated.Released in 1981 in runs 122 minutes .Trailer follow the pix

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

300 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

At the beginning I thought I might not like this move because I had seen a earlier version called"the 300 Spartans"released in 1962.Well this movie makes me forget that one completely.There has been much criticism of this film such as its only guys running around in speedos to a psychological attack on Iran .Is the movie accurate?All I knew of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC is that 300 spartans died protecting a pass against a large Persian army and just about everyone since tries to give that badge of honor to those who died in there own wars.Big example here where I now live is the Alamo.Point is all died so there could be another day.As a kid I played on a football team called the Greenpoint Spartans.
So we start with a rousing story,add good acting by two of my very favorite actors,    Gerard Butler as King Leonidas and Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo and its catnip !!!
My only small issue is the contrast artsy fartsy colorizing camerawork.Damb that CGI.
However thats only enough to take one star off.Be warned it is violent right from the opening scene where a young boy must kill a lion to be a man.Trailer follows the pix so enjoy.Released in 2006 it runs 117 minutes.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Blood on the Sun - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1945 and running 98 minutes this movie is in b&w and can only be recommended for die hard Cagney fans.Everything wrong with hollywood in those days is in this film.Lack of location shooting,lack of ethnic actors is so painfully evident as in no other movie I recommend,and poor direction.Even Cagney was stopped from doing all his own stunts when he showed in 1942 he was a skilled and gifted athletic doing Astaire like moves in Yankee Doodle Dandy.Still as bad as all that is,Cagney again shows he NEVER mailed it in.His performance makes the film watchable,nothing else.Thats why I only rate it 2 1/2.BUT that 2 1/2 is ALL Cagney,maybe one of our all time top 5 actors.There is a IMDB summary below and the URL link after the pix is to a fight scene from the movie as no real trailer could be found.Even with Cagney not allowed to do all of the fight,its still fun to watch.For me it is the highlight of the film.Note here,Cagney claimed in his memoir that he did his own fight scenes,IF so than the camera work was bad because after seeing all the film fights I've seen you know except for the close ups.the fights filming camera work hide the stunt mans face.In this fight you only see his face in the close ups,so they didn't let him do it or poor camera work,you decide.As I said only he is the only good thing  in this film. 

Nick Condon is a newspaper reporter working in Tokyo who refuses to toe the Japanese line on the expansionist policies of the anti-democratic Imperialist government. When it become clear to the authorities that Condon isn't going to cooperate and that he has some valuable information and contacts, they decide to get him in their clutches for some interrogations and then dispose of him. Written by Alfred Jingle

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Marigold - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2007 and running  110 minutes,this is another Hollywood meets  Bollywood and when done right makes interesting cinema because there are real differences between Indian and US customs and attitudes unlike say French or Canadian or even Australian.
It's interesting to see Ali Larter as Marigold Lexton ,a typical "B"type blond actress type,try to survive in India after a job she thought she had falls through.Larter shows she is a pretty good actress as this script is kinda lame but again it seems Indian script are much more sort of reach for the stars fantasies than america down and gritty story lines.
I liked it but had to take 2 stars off for the "out there"story.Below is the storyline from IMDB and the trailer URL follows the pix. View at least once for a change of the run of the mill films out there.

Marigold is a musical romantic comedy about a young American woman who travels to India and finds her life is transformed in the most unexpected ways by her experiences and adventures there.
Beautiful, American B-actress Marigold Lexton (Ali Larter), star of innumerable movies with numbers in their titles, arrives in India with no luggage and a bad attitude. Stranded in resort town Goa after the financing for her film Kama Sutra 3 falls apart and with nobody willing to bail her out, Marigold finds herself cast in a Bollywood musical. However, there is one problem she neglects to tell the producer she cannot dance. She enlists the aid of the choreographer of the film (Salman Khan) - who has a secret of his own.
Page last updated by mizzuzk, 4 years ago

Friday, September 23, 2011

61 - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Its been 50 years since Mickey battled Rodger for the single season HR record that Rodger finally won but had to endure a astirk because of the ghost of "The Babe"Rodger and Mickey are both dead now but the story of that magical race is worth revisiting in this move that is 85 % truthful and the two actors fit the parts like they are long lost cousins of the real Mickey and Rodger.It's a fond memory for us old guys and a revelation for you youngsters that think the later steroid race between Sosa and McGwire was "the bomb"
This earlier race was between a beloved national figure,note the song I posted by Teresa Brewer,"I live Mickey"and a interloper the public thought was a bad guy to try to beat the revered Mic !! Rodger was not ready for the spotlight and big city that the Mic coveted and thrived in.A race that was not just baseball skill but a difference in personalities like night and day.Yet they were room mates and close friends.The story might be the best you'll ever see about one season of the boys of summer.I took 1/2 star off for being just a HBO movie but gave 4 1/2 stars dispute that !!!  Released in 2001 it runs 129 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix.SEE IT !!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Babel - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Hopefully I don't offend with this comment but this film is like a woman,sometimes you love it and sometimes………….
I loved both Brad Pitt as Richard Jones and Cate Blanchett as Susan Jones in this film .The story centers around a couple off on a trip to  Morocco and then,well this is when its like a woman.There are  3 other stories revolving around the Jones.The first is of a poor Moroccan family and sometimes you like them,other times like around 9/11 you hate them.
The second story is about the older Mexican woman who is watching the Jones children while they are gone.Same story here,love and hate but for a different reason.Can she really be so stupid,good heart or not ??Finally the third is about a Japanese family and the tie in here is really questionable and perhaps over the top for some titillation factor the film doesn't need.Still it is a riveting film and I guess it brought out my female side because I took 1 star off for …………..(?) Released in 2006 in runs long at 143 minutes spelling out all the storylines. All the acting is great and the trailer URL follows the pix

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Xchange - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Another in the long line of inventive sci-fi/horror "low" budget Canadian films.
I took 2 1/2 stars off because it really is a shoe string budget for such a ambitious technology story and mostly "b" list actors as well.That said,what a intriguing idea.Your mind to my mind,,,,,,,,wait thats Star Trek,BUT thats basically this story and with a much different twist than Spocks old "Mind Meld"I highly recommend if you can stand the amateurish way the film was made for such a grand idea.Difficult but possible.
Below is a spot on review from IMDB as well as the trailer URL below the pix.The film was released in 2001 and runs 110 minutes.

Much better than its reputation
23 March 2004 | by sarastro7 (Denmark) – See all my reviews
Don't listen to the other comments here. This is one science fiction movie that works. It manages to get all the things it's got going against it, work *for* it.
Take the male lead, for instance. Stephen Baldwin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer (and indeed, hasn't exactly starred in a lot of quality movies). So in this movie he's got no mind of his own. He's an assembly line clone, used as a host or worker body for the corporate jetset. That's putting a man of Stephen Baldwin's caliber to the best possible use!
The movie is about mind transfers. That's the plot, and the writer takes the utmost consequence of what this means. A plot that would be an insufferably silly stunt-of-the-week on an episode of Star Trek, Stargate or Farscape, manages here to be described disturbingly realistically and in a near-present day setting. Every possible twist that could possibly be imagined if this technology existed is commented on in one way or the other. No stone is left unturned. The sexual possibilities alone remain an important on-going sub-plot. This is highly unusual for a run-of-the-mill sci fi/action flick.
The SFX are fairly few, and integrated seamlessly and perfectly into the story. The one-molecule-thick cutting wire is really cool.
Like I said, it works. All of it. It is engaging, coherent, tasteful (all the four female main characters have topless scenes, and no, they are *not* gratuitous, but enhance the characterization), well-written, and goes out of its way to avoid clichés. For commercial flicks of any kind, this doesn't happen often. It's too bad the guy who wrote it hasn't done anything else.
I'm amazed to see that most of the commentators here have such a low opinion of this movie. Don't listen to them. This movie succeeds in everything it sets out to do. For a B movie, it is good. Surprisingly good. It will hold up for several viewings, if you're the type of person who can appreciate it. This is going to be a cult favorite.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Guru - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2002 and running 94 minutes this is a funny mix of Bollywood and Hollywood and perhaps a little more racy than Bollywood normal fair.It amused me and the Queens locations were familiar.Good cast but 1 and 1/2 off because it is after all Indian flavored and thats not exactly my cup of tea.Still good for a view and recommended for a "spicy"difference now and then.IMDB summary below and trailer follows pix.

Bored with Bollywood movies but fascinated with their Hollywood counterparts from his youth, Ram dreams to become a singer and actor in America, the country where dreams are made. He is encouraged when his American-based close friend, Vijay Rao, comes for visit, and brags about driving a Mercedes and living in a penthouse. The Guptas do their best to talk Ramu out of going to America, but in vain. Ram does travel to America and upon arrival in New York is received by Vijay. This is where Ram will get a shock when he finds out that Vijay works as a waiter in an Indian Restaurant, drives a taxi-cab for a living, has never owned any car, and lives in a small apartment based in a Cinema Theater that hosts Bollywood movies, and his two room-mates are Sanjeev and Amit, one of them an illegal immigrant. Ram gets a job as a waiter in the same restaurant as Vijay, but is fired when he gets into a physical argument with a customer. Thereafter Ram applies for an acting job, only to find out that he is to to star in a porno movie opposite sexy Sharonna. Shortly thereafter the Guptas in India will get the shock of their lives when they get to watch a live television telecast of Ramu, who is now known as the "Sex Guru". What they do not know is that Ramu has been inspired by his porno co-star, Sharonna, who leads a double life. Written by rAjOo (

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lawrence of Arabia - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Incredible movie.A might long so I took 1/2 star off for that but a sprawling epic of war ,honor,empire and the desert.Never have I seen a movie so large in scale yet narrow in story.Quite a feat indeed.The story is simple.The story opens with T.E. Lawrence's (Peter O'Toole) death in a motorcycle accident and then flashes back to show who this man was and if we should care.What a man he was. Perhaps he was a man who had the desert fever as Prince Feisal  (Alec Guinness) once suggested or a traitorist officer,as Jack Hawkins as General Allenby hinted at,who knows?What is clear is that as a British leison to the arab resistance against the Turks during WW1,his allegiance was to their future rather than just winning a war for England.The story unfolds as Lawrence is heading to meet Feisal and his guide is killed by Omar Sharif as Sherif Ali , for drinking water from his tribes well when the guides tribe is not allowed.After a tense exchange of words Lawrence tells Ali that the arabs will always be a "silly little people"till they end such petty quarrels.Little did ether know they would become allies and even friends !! The rest of the cast in hugh and exceptional including Anthony Quinn as Auda Abu Tayi leader of another arab tribe that is impressed when Lawrence and Ali cross a thought to be uncrossable desert to form a alliance with him.Abu Tayi is a scoundrel with his own sense of honor and works for money"if it pleases him"for he is a poor man but the money he earns he gives to his people because he IS"A river to my people"You can't make it up !!! A must see for pure adventure and grander not seen in todays CGI fake films.Released in 1962 it is that dad bit long at 216 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rashomon - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Usually I don't like foreign films because I just hate reading subtitles when I'm trying to concentrate on the action.However this is a landmark film even in black and white which together is the reason I took 1 star off.You see this film seems to have inspired a whole bunch of "tributes"in other movies and just about any TV series lasting more than 1 season.That is,the art of flashback to something that is seen through the eyes of multiple characters all from a different point of view and who is to say which is the correct??
As we have often heard"History is told from the victors point of view"Many others like"Thats the way I choose to remember it"ect.When this film first was released in 1950 and running 88 minutes,we were still receiving from the biggest war and civilization change the modern world had ever seen and Japan was in the middle as a loser and deeply damaged society.While this movie is not about the war per-say,there is little doubt its a allegory of it.It is set in feudal Japan.You should see this film once if only to see this technique as it was first used.
IMDB summary below and trailer URL follows pix.

A priest, a woodcutter and another man are taking refuge from a rainstorm in the shell of a former gatehouse called Rashômon. The priest and the woodcutter are recounting the story of a murdered samurai whose body the woodcutter discovered three days earlier in a forest grove. Both were summoned to testify at the murder trial, the priest who ran into the samurai and his wife traveling through the forest just before the murder occurred. Three other people who testified at the trial are supposedly the only direct witnesses: a notorious bandit named Tajômaru, who allegedly murdered the samurai and raped his wife; the white veil cloaked wife of the samurai; and the samurai himself who testifies through the use of a medium. The three tell a similarly structured story - that Tajômaru kidnapped and bound the samurai so that he could rape the wife - but which ultimately contradict each other... Written by Huggo

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Urban Cowboy - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Very tough film to review.On one hand the acting and music is first rate.On the other,the story may be offensive to some,silly to others.I liked it although I did find it sad that some would aspire to a "white trash"lifestyle,rather than just make the best of it.Thus I took 1 and 1/2 stars off.Still the film is memorable and if you liked "Saturday night fever"this is a sort of southern vs the brooklyn northern white trash of that film.Different elements to be sure as well as music but at the end of the day…………
Released in 1980 it runs a little long at 132 minutes.IMDB summary below and trailer follows pix.

Bud Davis is a country boy who moves to the city to visit his uncle. He starts hanging out at Gilley's, owned by Mickey Gilley himself. He takes a job at the refinery where his uncle works. He also meets Sissy, a cowgirl, and they fall in love and suddenly get married. And then their marriage is shattered when Bud sees Sissy allegedly seeing con man Wes, who teaches her how to ride the mechanical bull...and plans to rob Gilley's. When a bull-riding contest is announced, Bud decides to sign up. Can he win the contest and save his marriage to Sissy? Written by watzdabigdeal <>

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Usual Suspects - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 19995 and running 106 minutes this is violent yet smart crime film worth seeing.Keyser Soze is a mystery boggie man for thieves and scoundrels with a colorful backstory including killing his own so as to get others.A devil if there ever was one.This film opens with the investigation of a ship on which 27 men died for a shipment of 91 million in drug and money that are gone.The film centers on Chazz Palminteri as Dave Kujan, US Customs agent trying to solve the mystery and in flashbacks the story enfolds.
I took 1 and 1/2 stars off because not all characters were fleshed out equally and the casting of some where not what I would have done.Still all the actors try hard and Kevin Spacey as Roger 'Verbal' Kint stands out as he usually does.Another note on a great comic who show he can act as did later in "Deterance"Kevin Pollak as Todd Hockney,whose character might have been better draw out. I liked it even for the meaningless at times violence.Trailer URL follows the pix

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Country Strong - 3 1/2 stars out of stars

Why be hate'in  on Gwyneth Paltrow ?Problem with this flick is the story and the pacing.If it wasn't for a good cast and fair music it would be unwatchable as I have trouble with movies that glorify wasted talent.That said,Paltrow's acting as well as three really good co stars raise the old "complicated"life saga to new heights rather than hurt it.Thank goodness for the acting of Paltrow and Tim McGraw who I think might have given Gwyneth some stage tips as she seems a lot like Faith Hill in the one stage scenes.Why people seem to hate her is beyond me.Maybe its a "John Wayne"thing??
Maybe its just me:)Anyway,bad relationships,too much booze,cheat's on each other,bad country song right?
Thats why I took 1 and 1/2 stars off for that old story thats hard to root for.But if you get past the first 30 minutes the GREAT acting actually make you care what happens to these folks and watch the rest of the movie with interest and the original music rewards you within the story.Because don't WE all live complicated life's our selfs.Released in 2010 it runs a little long at 117 minutes.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WarGames - 3 stars out of 5 stars

If a movie ever deserved to be remade its this flick.I understand there is a remake but like assault on percent 13, its far different than the original.I had to take 2 stars off because of the almost 50's innocence of the movie set in the 80's and really bad special effects compared to today.Otherwise GREAT film.Good acting and what a story.Young HS game geek thinks he hacking a game manufacturer for insights to new games but winds up hacking a secret government computer which can command all military functions in the event of a war.Well the kid "plays"a game called thermonuclear war and let your mind guess the rest. Matthew Broderick is playing someone named David but its really just Ferris Bueller as a computer geek complete with the sass like when he's late to bio class and the male teacher admonishes him by asking him "maybe you can tell us who first came up with the idea of reproduction without sex"and he answers"Your wife?"And Ally Sheedy as Jennifer  his maybe girl, is far more outgoing and fun then she was in Breakfast Club.The rest of the cast excels as well.Must see if only to BEG for a updated remake !!! Trailer URL follows the pix.Released in 1983 it runs 114 minutes.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Unstoppable - 4 stars out of 5 stars

There's a line in this film like,that's not a runaway train,its a missile as long as the chrysler building,or something like that.With that get ready for a hell of a  ride.Best disaster film I've seen in a long time.You need 2 things for a great disaster film,character development and the disaster.I took 1 star off because the film concentrated on the disaster first than the characters and didn't really deliver the disaster,only a happy ending.So what we have is a thrill ride that is supposed to be based on true events.I'll take their word because even through there is no disaster there is that hell of a ride and I LOVE trains and Denzel.This is Denzel's picture because its hard to upstage him as a actor and he plays Frank a 28 year  veteran motorman who has 3 weeks left before his VERP kicks in.I know how that feels as I also had to take a Voluntary early retirement package.My parents also come from Pa.where this film is set so I was onboard from the start.Chris Pine as Will is fine and never tries to upstage Denzel rather he works well with him.The young new Captain Kirk shows he doesn't have the ego as a actor the old Kirk has (bill shatner)time will tell if his carrer lasts as long.Anyway simple story,human error causes a runaway freight train with hasmat material and Frank and Will find themselves on the same track and the last best hope to stop the train before a disaster !!!! Thats the story and its like a roller coaster ride so hold on tight as its suspense and near misses build to the climax.Released in 2010 it runs a just right 98 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix.

Monday, September 12, 2011

10 - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Few films have added to the culture as this film has.Corn rows on white women,referring to women's appearance as a number and ending the myth that Julie Andrews was Mary Poppin's in all her acting rolls.Released in 1979 and running 122 minutes the only small issue I have with it is , as good a story as it is,only 1% of you are living such a life and therefore it truly is a fantasy plot,thus 1/2 star off.That said it's witty,pretty and gay,er thats the Julie Andrews in me,I know its west side story but it should have been this.And No Julie never sang that.It's a mid age crises movie that features a Mancini original music score and mainstreamed the classical Bolero by Ravel as music to make love by.You may not like the movie but the effect on our culture is none the less extraordinary. The cast is "a"list and act like it and it is in my top 5 comedies of all time.Below is a summary from IMDB and the trailer URL is below the pix.Must see and enjoy.

On the night of his 42nd birthday, George Webber, a popular songwriter, begins showing symptoms of "middle-age crisis." Over the succeeding weeks, he finds himself continually staring at young girls on the street, and he begins envying his high-living neighbor, whose life is one endless orgy. George's behavior causes great concern to his lover, singing star Samantha Taylor, and to his partner Hugh, who has seemingly avoided George's dilemma by being gay. While driving home one afternoon, George spots Jenny, a stunning young beauty en route to her marriage ceremony. Regarding her as "the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" (on a scale from one to 10), George follows her to the church. He later learns her name, and discovers that she and her husband are honeymooning in Mexico. Driven by the impulse to see her again, George flies to Mexico and checks into the hotel where Jenny is staying... Written by alfiehitchie

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Flesh Gordon - 3 stars out of 5

WARNING FOLLOWING REVIEW MAY OFFEND SOME.This film contains sex, nudity foul language and really adult situations.

This review is again more of analysis than a review.On this day I choose to review a really silly dumb film for true diversion from a serious and sad day.This may be the worse film ever made or one of the hippest.You have to see it to make up your own mind.If you have never seen the old Flash Gordon serials of the 30's than this film will be lost on you since THAT serial was "camp " before the term ever existed. We take 2 stars off for REALLY bad acting,beyond camp,and really over the top nudity where a little less soft core porn attempt would have sufficed.One has to remember that it was released in 1974 and runs a short 78 minutes to truly judge the content.The sexually revolution was at its peak and soft core was fighting hard core"art films" for audiences in the movies as the age of"hip"dialogue was also being born in other films.What better subject  to "lampoon"than that terrible serial we all had to sit thru at the movies as kids??What this film does have is fine special effects.Ray Harryhausen worthy almost and thats a mouth full.However if you are easily offended buy pass this film.However if are openminded and my age group you might have seen it in the day and will still chuckle again.Trailer URL follows the pix as well as below is a IMDB summary review.

Author: gftbiloxi ( from Biloxi, Mississippi
Everything from ROBINHOOD to KING KONG gets a whack from this early 1970s parody of the 1930s FLASH GORDON serial, which has a story line in keeping with the sexual revolution of the times. A mysterious "sex" ray that turns otherwise normal people into sex maniacs is plaguing the earth--and is eventually traced to the planet Porno, ruled by evil Emperor Wang. And so our hero Flesh, his lady love Dale Ardor, and their scientific genius Dr. Jerkoff set out for planet Porno to defeat Wang... only to find themselves victims of his REALLY kinky ways!
As film-making goes, the quality of this parody is often quite poor, the material itself is extremely uneven, and the performers merely so-so--but what the filmmakers lack in experience they more than make up for in imagination. Witness the attack of the dreaded Penisaurus! Behold Prince Precious' Reward! Beware the initiation of the underground lesbians! With everything from stop-motion animation monsters to some truly Freudian art design, cult-film fans and most others will probably find lots to enjoy.
There are two versions of the film, one "uncut." In truth there is little difference between the two. Although I would not describe either as pornography there is a great deal of nudity there are one or two couples well gone into X territory in various crowd scenes--whatever the case, it's not the sort of thing you want to throw in the DVD player for your fifteen year old's birthday party; it's better left to the grown-ups, especially those who recall the period in which it was made.
Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Hustler - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1961 and running a little long at 134 minutes this might be the best last b&w film.The story is not new but tying it to a "game"like pool adds the final drama to a tale of losers who strive to survive and excel in a world they have already failed in.Why care at all??Because the cast compels us to.Again star power!!!Below is a summary from IMDB and a trailer follows the pix and I took 1 1/2 stars off for being in b&w and a story we have seen before.But Newman,Gleason  ( yes the fat comic) Scott and Lurie along with others demand you see it at least once.I bought it and will review the 30 years latter sequel qt q later date.

"Fast" Eddie Felson is a small-time pool hustler with a lot of talent but a self-destructive attitude. His bravado causes him to challenge the legendary "Minnesota Fats" to a high-stakes match, but he loses in a heartbreaking marathon. Now broke and without his long-time manager, Felson faces an uphill battle to regain his confidence and his game. It isn't until he hits rock bottom that he agrees to join up with ruthless and cutthroat manager Bert Gordon. Gordon agrees to take him on the road to learn the ropes. But Felson soon realizes that making it to the top could cost him his soul, and perhaps his girlfriend. Will he decide that this is too steep a price to pay in time to save himself? Written by <>

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Andersonville Trial - 5 stars out of 5 stars

There was a time in the 50's that TV was the best place for live drama one could find.Sadly that day went by the 60's.However when PBS came about one last glorious drama remained.In 1970 this was first shown and it ran 150 minutes.I never would have watched it if not for Bill Shatner having a lead role.Captan Kirk in a Civil war drama,who could resist?Normally one act plays are murder but this was something else.I can't really describe  it so again I use IMDB  for summaries below.I was spellbound.The trailer below the pix is actually a key scene from the play.Enjoy !!!

Historic Disclaimer
All of the witnesses as portrayed in the film are the actual witnesses who testified at Wirz's trial, and their dialogue in many cases is taken almost verbatim from the trial transcript. The major change from history is that Wirz did not testify and the whole "moral issue", around which this film revolves, was never raised at the trial.

23 October 2005 | by theowinthrop (United States) – See all my reviews
Based on a Broadway play, THE ANDERSONVILLE TRIAL was a made for television production directed by George C. Scott with a number of major performances, led by William Schatner as the Union Prosecutor, and Jack Cassidy as the Southern born defense counsel for Confederate Captain Henry Wirtz (Richard Basehart). The court-martial is headed by General Lew Wallace (Cameron Mitchell), who is determined to bring in a speedy, clean-cut verdict as quickly as possible. Among the witnesses is Albert Salmi, a Union soldier who survived the camp, but who has a dirty secret that clever Jack Cassidy pushes into the faces of the court-martial judges.
Historically some 49,000 Union prisoners were sent to Andersonville, and 13,000 died there under hideous conditions. Food was scarce. They had little in the way of proper shelter. The camp's sanitation was non-existent.
Who was to blame? Well, at the time blame was on Captain Wirtz, who was commander of the camp. All decisions for the sake of the men were in his hands, and the number of dead was too large to ignore. However, the Confederacy in 1863-65 was having trouble feeding it's troops and it's people. Wirtz actually tried to get supplies, but couldn't get far on that. Also, Northern prisons for Confederate prisons, such as Elmira in New York State, were equally vile. Finally, attempts by the South to get a trade of captured soldiers with the North ground to a halt due to the combined refusal of General Grant or Secretary of War Stanton to agree to it (they reasoned the released trained southern soldiers would resume war work, and lengthen the course of the war).
Wirtz would be found guilty, and would be hanged in November 1865. He was the only Confedrate hanged for a war crime (unless you count the four Lincoln Assassination defendants). The play tries to show the impossible situation that fell on Wirtz's shoulders, with him trying to balance his duty to the southern cause, his duty to his prisoners, and his fears of those prisoners. Basehart's agonizing testimony on the stand, where he keeps thinking of the prisoners tunneling and tunneling out of the camp, is still a memory to me yet, thirty five years after I saw it the first time.
But there is more than that in the play. The scene where Mitchell is trying to get the prosecution to concentrate only on the facts, and not give rise to a theory of unchecked universal evils ("A world of Andersonvilles", as Shatner puts it)is wonderful. Mitchell is trying to remind Shatner that all he has to do is prove a case against this defendant. Finally, in disgust, Mitchell asks a hypothetical question to test the loyalty of Shatner to the U.S.: What if the U.S. had supported slavery in 1860 and the South supported abolition? Shatner shatters Mitchell by insisting a greater loyalty would dictate supporting the Confederacy.
Jack Cassidy has some terrific moments attacking the prosecution, which he rightly considers a show trial and an act of hypocrisy. He even gets under Shatner's skin at one point by showing how Shatner - if he gets a conviction - will have something to build a political career on.
All in all it was a terrific moment of televised drama. It has been shown occasionally and it should be shown more.
Oh, by the way. I mentioned the Northern Prison Camp at Elmira, NY. It's commander was Benjamin Tracy. In the post war eras (he died in 1917), Mr. Tracy became a successful corporate lawyer, leading New York State Republican, and Secretary of the Navy under President Benjamin Harrison (1889 - 1893). He is considered by some the father of the modern U.S. Navy. Wirtz, his opposite number, was hanged. Sometime in the 1950s or so, his grave received a new tombstone from some unknown supporter. It gives his name, dates of birth and death, and puts under it, "C.S.A. Martyr". I leave it for the reader to decide what was justice or what wasn't.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Assault on Precinct 13 ( 1976 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

John Carpenter is one of 2 or 3 directors I love.In this film he broke a hollywood taboo and there are many stories about how he got away with it.The impact makes the movie.
In the scene I'm talking about a cold hard gang member coldly shoots a young girl who bought ice cream right in the chest as if she was a paper target. That confirms the gangs we are to see are beyond redemption and evil that get biblical wrath in the end.
The story is a simple one.An old police station is closing with only a very small overnight staff.The father of said young girl,recognizable child actress Kim Richards,runs to seek safety after killing the gang member who shot her.But three gangs have a blood oath and they will avenge the death of said gang member and kill anyone in the way. Seems far fetched but thats Carpenter for you.Low budget shows,costs 1 star, in the acting but this is a scary modern horror film that acting matters not so much as the relentless onslaught and idea that  good comes from where you least expect it.Do not confuse with the 2005 film of the same,its not the same story really.It runs a just right 92 minutes and the trailer URL follows the pix.Give it a chance and you won't be sorry.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Airheads - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

This is a fair comedy with no real story held together by good gags and a great cast.
The story such as it is from IMDB listed below.The film was released in 1994 and runs 92 minutes and trailer follows pix below.I had to deduct the 2 1/2 stars because of lack of a good story and well the gags work well ONCE,a problem with most comedies still you should see it once for a cast you just won't see together these days.Too many to list.I will list a gag I loved.The late Chris Farley as police officer Wilson is trying to get a female suspect out of a disco when confronted by three huge guys in punkish clothes.One grabs his badge from his chest and chews it up in his mouth than puts it in his hand and asks"what you gonna do about that"?Farley rips the nipple ring from the guys tit and as he collapses in pain says"Improvise"You have to see it.

Three band members hoping for a big break head to a radio station to play their demo tape and wind up holding everyone hostage with plastic guns when the head DJ refuses to play them.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gods and Generals - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Sometimes a film comes along and something totally different in the real world comes along and causes the film to suffer.For me this is such a film and along with its ungodly length  caused me to deduct the 1 1/2 stars from a otherwise fine film that should still be seen.I'm adding a summary from IMDB below to detail the film because I want to state the sad relation to the now that makes it painful to watch.The only other such film I've run across and already reviewed was Exodus.That should be a hint:)Yes back in the days before the civil war abolition was a spark for emotions on slavery and there was no middle ground.Both side were bible quoters.While this film details battles of that war and the lives of some of the combatants it does it in the fervor of the day,especially General"Stonewall"Jackson.That should be no surprise to anyone who has studied that war.Jacksons fervor is well documented. Perhaps its also a tribute to the acting skill of Steven Lang who as Jackson brings a demonic Osama Bin Ladin quality to the role which given the day is totality valid but given today almost unbearable to watch or sympathize with.Realism is sometime to real to watch.Still I recommend with that caveat.Trailer URL follows pix.Try to enjoy.

Based on the best-selling historical novel by Jeff Shaara, "Gods and Generals" covers the events of the American Civil War before the climactic battle of Gettysburg. Seen from the points of view of leaders such as Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Winfield Scott Hancock and Robert E. Lee, the film begins just after the attack on Fort Sumter in April 1861, and culminates with the battle of Chancellorsville in May of 1863. Directed by Ronald F. Maxwell, the film is an epic, dramatic prequel to "Gettysburg," the classic 1993 film also directed by Maxwell.

Gods and Generals is the second installment of the Michael/Jeff Shaara Civil War trilogy and the second to be filmed. The third and final installment, The Last Full Measure, was in pre-production but lost financing and has been suspended indefinitely. Congruent to the 1992 production of Gettysburg, Gods and Generals is of epic length with a final release running time of nearly four hours, having been trimmed from roughly six. The story opens just before the secession of Virgina and just after Lincoln had called for 75,000 troops to repel the rebellion. Robert E. Lee is offered and declines the command of Union forces. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, an instructor at VMI during the secessionist takeover of the institute, commits himself to the defense of Virginia and is rapidly swept up in a leadership role of the fledgling Army of Northern Virginia. The story follows primarily from the perspective of Jackson, as well as other key figures on both sides, but is decidely emphatic of the Confederate POV. We follow Jackson through three early and decisive CSA victories; Manassas (1st Bull Run), Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, the scene of his untimely death. The film diverges dramatically from the book version in that the battle of Antietam, a tactical CSA victory, is omitted entirely (it was however filmed but ultimately removed from the final print). Throughout these campaigns Jackson is portrayed as a deeply pious, stern, yet confident and capable commander. The story follows the decision makers, military and political, on both sides and how their actions influence the course of the war through May 1863. Gettysburg, based on Shaaras Killer Angels, picks up the saga from there.
Page last updated by dgl1199, 2 years ago

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Hurt Locker - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Very difficult film to review.While it seems real enough from a stark Iraq battlefield feel and well made from a technical point,the director won the academy award,but thats not the point.The story is of a man who replaced his leader on a bomb disposal squad when he's killed before his eyes.The new leader is Jeremy Renner as Sergeant First Class William James  and its a fine portrayal of a totally "out there"type of guy that it takes to do the maddest job in this mans army.But at the end of the day your glad this sort of job is done and there are guys to do it,but,sadly the characters are not the kind you really care about,or at least I can't bring myself to.Here's a summary of the film below from IMDB and since the directer Kathryn Bigelow,beat her ex James Cameron for mega hit"Avatar"its worth ONE view but I can't rate it any higher because I'm just not interested in wacko hero's anymore.
Trailer URL follows pix.

Iraq. Forced to play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse in the chaos of war, an elite Army bomb squad unit must come together in a city where everyone is a potential enemy and every object could be a deadly bomb.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fanboys - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

After reviewing Free Enterprise it was just a matter to this film.Although not the star but a main character non the less,its the first film I ever saw Jay Baruchel as Windows in and became a fan of his.Like Free enterprise this film is about a group of guys and a girl who just can't grow up without one last adventure invoking their favorite life of passage fantasy and in this case its Star Wars.The film centers around the pending release of the first of the three prequels Lucas made 20 + years after the first three.released in 2008 this film runs about right at 90 minutes.Basically they go cross country to find a print of the yet unreleased film at Lucas's home in California.I took 1/2 stars off because well other than the Star Wars theme we've seen it all before and the dialogue is not as smart as Free Enterprise was.What it does have going for it are some really cool cameos mainly by Seth Rogen who actually plays three characters and YES William Shatner,really ???You have see the film.
Its worth one view at least.Trailer URL follows the pix.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Young Lions - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1958 and running a little long at 167 minutes this is a rarely talked about film.Perhaps its the subject,Brando, or who knows,I just think it is a very symmetrical film.
It opens with Barbara Rush as Margaret Freemantle at a new years eve party just prior to the outbreak of WW11,in Bravia and spending it with Marlon Brando as Christian Diestl ,a ski instructor.Later we see her back in NYC arguing with her fiance Dean Martin as Michael Whiteacre ,a stuck up broadway performer.The film end with Dean killing Brando in the muddy hills of Germany.Wow,talk about symmetry.The film is all about how we got to that point and why.There are many elements we've seen before but never with a cast such as this or that final ending.Along the way we see a glimpse of what it was like to be jewish in america even as the germans were trying to wipe all jews out.A love story unfolds between Montgomery Clift as Noah Ackerman and Hope Lange as Hope Plowman,his gentile girlfriend.Strong performance by many more actors such as May Britt,Maximilian Schell and much more.WW11 is simply the backdrop for examining the human condition as never before with all its warts.I only took 1 star off for being B&W and a little long.Trailer URL follows pix.