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Monday, September 19, 2011

Lawrence of Arabia - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Incredible movie.A might long so I took 1/2 star off for that but a sprawling epic of war ,honor,empire and the desert.Never have I seen a movie so large in scale yet narrow in story.Quite a feat indeed.The story is simple.The story opens with T.E. Lawrence's (Peter O'Toole) death in a motorcycle accident and then flashes back to show who this man was and if we should care.What a man he was. Perhaps he was a man who had the desert fever as Prince Feisal  (Alec Guinness) once suggested or a traitorist officer,as Jack Hawkins as General Allenby hinted at,who knows?What is clear is that as a British leison to the arab resistance against the Turks during WW1,his allegiance was to their future rather than just winning a war for England.The story unfolds as Lawrence is heading to meet Feisal and his guide is killed by Omar Sharif as Sherif Ali , for drinking water from his tribes well when the guides tribe is not allowed.After a tense exchange of words Lawrence tells Ali that the arabs will always be a "silly little people"till they end such petty quarrels.Little did ether know they would become allies and even friends !! The rest of the cast in hugh and exceptional including Anthony Quinn as Auda Abu Tayi leader of another arab tribe that is impressed when Lawrence and Ali cross a thought to be uncrossable desert to form a alliance with him.Abu Tayi is a scoundrel with his own sense of honor and works for money"if it pleases him"for he is a poor man but the money he earns he gives to his people because he IS"A river to my people"You can't make it up !!! A must see for pure adventure and grander not seen in todays CGI fake films.Released in 1962 it is that dad bit long at 216 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix

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