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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Unstoppable - 4 stars out of 5 stars

There's a line in this film like,that's not a runaway train,its a missile as long as the chrysler building,or something like that.With that get ready for a hell of a  ride.Best disaster film I've seen in a long time.You need 2 things for a great disaster film,character development and the disaster.I took 1 star off because the film concentrated on the disaster first than the characters and didn't really deliver the disaster,only a happy ending.So what we have is a thrill ride that is supposed to be based on true events.I'll take their word because even through there is no disaster there is that hell of a ride and I LOVE trains and Denzel.This is Denzel's picture because its hard to upstage him as a actor and he plays Frank a 28 year  veteran motorman who has 3 weeks left before his VERP kicks in.I know how that feels as I also had to take a Voluntary early retirement package.My parents also come from Pa.where this film is set so I was onboard from the start.Chris Pine as Will is fine and never tries to upstage Denzel rather he works well with him.The young new Captain Kirk shows he doesn't have the ego as a actor the old Kirk has (bill shatner)time will tell if his carrer lasts as long.Anyway simple story,human error causes a runaway freight train with hasmat material and Frank and Will find themselves on the same track and the last best hope to stop the train before a disaster !!!! Thats the story and its like a roller coaster ride so hold on tight as its suspense and near misses build to the climax.Released in 2010 it runs a just right 98 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix.

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