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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Crazy as Hell - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Psychology has always been a "junk"science to me so a film like this should warm my heart.Sadly it only hints at the truth of the lack of real science and more of "above the fray"egos of those who practice it as a "art form"That's the reason I can only give this film 2 1/2 stars.Released in 2002 it runs 112 minutes and has a good cast of "b"level actors who do the best they can with a very slow developing story of madness by the ones who we though treat it.Below in a IMDB summary and the trailer URL follows the pix.If you think as I do,that the rise of  psychology coincides with the decline of civilization than hope,as I do,that better films are on the way and rejoice at least that this film was made,poor as it is.

A famous psychiatrist (Ty Adams) takes on the job of trying to cure patients at the Sedah State Hospital, run by it's folksy doctor (Sam Delazo). All this takes a strange turn when a mysterious patient (Satan, he calls himself) enters the Hospital seeking help. Or is it just help that he wants? Written by Anonymous

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