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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Country Strong - 3 1/2 stars out of stars

Why be hate'in  on Gwyneth Paltrow ?Problem with this flick is the story and the pacing.If it wasn't for a good cast and fair music it would be unwatchable as I have trouble with movies that glorify wasted talent.That said,Paltrow's acting as well as three really good co stars raise the old "complicated"life saga to new heights rather than hurt it.Thank goodness for the acting of Paltrow and Tim McGraw who I think might have given Gwyneth some stage tips as she seems a lot like Faith Hill in the one stage scenes.Why people seem to hate her is beyond me.Maybe its a "John Wayne"thing??
Maybe its just me:)Anyway,bad relationships,too much booze,cheat's on each other,bad country song right?
Thats why I took 1 and 1/2 stars off for that old story thats hard to root for.But if you get past the first 30 minutes the GREAT acting actually make you care what happens to these folks and watch the rest of the movie with interest and the original music rewards you within the story.Because don't WE all live complicated life's our selfs.Released in 2010 it runs a little long at 117 minutes.

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