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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Young Lions - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1958 and running a little long at 167 minutes this is a rarely talked about film.Perhaps its the subject,Brando, or who knows,I just think it is a very symmetrical film.
It opens with Barbara Rush as Margaret Freemantle at a new years eve party just prior to the outbreak of WW11,in Bravia and spending it with Marlon Brando as Christian Diestl ,a ski instructor.Later we see her back in NYC arguing with her fiance Dean Martin as Michael Whiteacre ,a stuck up broadway performer.The film end with Dean killing Brando in the muddy hills of Germany.Wow,talk about symmetry.The film is all about how we got to that point and why.There are many elements we've seen before but never with a cast such as this or that final ending.Along the way we see a glimpse of what it was like to be jewish in america even as the germans were trying to wipe all jews out.A love story unfolds between Montgomery Clift as Noah Ackerman and Hope Lange as Hope Plowman,his gentile girlfriend.Strong performance by many more actors such as May Britt,Maximilian Schell and much more.WW11 is simply the backdrop for examining the human condition as never before with all its warts.I only took 1 star off for being B&W and a little long.Trailer URL follows pix.

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