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Monday, September 26, 2011

Blood on the Sun - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1945 and running 98 minutes this movie is in b&w and can only be recommended for die hard Cagney fans.Everything wrong with hollywood in those days is in this film.Lack of location shooting,lack of ethnic actors is so painfully evident as in no other movie I recommend,and poor direction.Even Cagney was stopped from doing all his own stunts when he showed in 1942 he was a skilled and gifted athletic doing Astaire like moves in Yankee Doodle Dandy.Still as bad as all that is,Cagney again shows he NEVER mailed it in.His performance makes the film watchable,nothing else.Thats why I only rate it 2 1/2.BUT that 2 1/2 is ALL Cagney,maybe one of our all time top 5 actors.There is a IMDB summary below and the URL link after the pix is to a fight scene from the movie as no real trailer could be found.Even with Cagney not allowed to do all of the fight,its still fun to watch.For me it is the highlight of the film.Note here,Cagney claimed in his memoir that he did his own fight scenes,IF so than the camera work was bad because after seeing all the film fights I've seen you know except for the close ups.the fights filming camera work hide the stunt mans face.In this fight you only see his face in the close ups,so they didn't let him do it or poor camera work,you decide.As I said only he is the only good thing  in this film. 

Nick Condon is a newspaper reporter working in Tokyo who refuses to toe the Japanese line on the expansionist policies of the anti-democratic Imperialist government. When it become clear to the authorities that Condon isn't going to cooperate and that he has some valuable information and contacts, they decide to get him in their clutches for some interrogations and then dispose of him. Written by Alfred Jingle

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