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Friday, September 23, 2011

61 - 4 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Its been 50 years since Mickey battled Rodger for the single season HR record that Rodger finally won but had to endure a astirk because of the ghost of "The Babe"Rodger and Mickey are both dead now but the story of that magical race is worth revisiting in this move that is 85 % truthful and the two actors fit the parts like they are long lost cousins of the real Mickey and Rodger.It's a fond memory for us old guys and a revelation for you youngsters that think the later steroid race between Sosa and McGwire was "the bomb"
This earlier race was between a beloved national figure,note the song I posted by Teresa Brewer,"I live Mickey"and a interloper the public thought was a bad guy to try to beat the revered Mic !! Rodger was not ready for the spotlight and big city that the Mic coveted and thrived in.A race that was not just baseball skill but a difference in personalities like night and day.Yet they were room mates and close friends.The story might be the best you'll ever see about one season of the boys of summer.I took 1/2 star off for being just a HBO movie but gave 4 1/2 stars dispute that !!!  Released in 2001 it runs 129 minutes.Trailer URL follows pix.SEE IT !!!

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