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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

300 - 4 stars out of 5 stars

At the beginning I thought I might not like this move because I had seen a earlier version called"the 300 Spartans"released in 1962.Well this movie makes me forget that one completely.There has been much criticism of this film such as its only guys running around in speedos to a psychological attack on Iran .Is the movie accurate?All I knew of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC is that 300 spartans died protecting a pass against a large Persian army and just about everyone since tries to give that badge of honor to those who died in there own wars.Big example here where I now live is the Alamo.Point is all died so there could be another day.As a kid I played on a football team called the Greenpoint Spartans.
So we start with a rousing story,add good acting by two of my very favorite actors,    Gerard Butler as King Leonidas and Lena Headey as Queen Gorgo and its catnip !!!
My only small issue is the contrast artsy fartsy colorizing camerawork.Damb that CGI.
However thats only enough to take one star off.Be warned it is violent right from the opening scene where a young boy must kill a lion to be a man.Trailer follows the pix so enjoy.Released in 2006 it runs 117 minutes.

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