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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thief - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Michael Mann's landmark film IMHO.Not only James Caan at the top of his game as Frank a master safecracker but William Petersen in a bit part in which I guess he impressed enough to get the lead in Manhunter,a masterpiece of Mann's that I'll review later.Even a small but well acted part by Willie Nelson as Okla ( why not tex ?)a con who mentored Frank in prison.The film also had the added publicity of threatened lawsuits claiming that too many secrets of safecracking were being shown giving even more credence to the grit of the film.The story is simple.Frank and his buddy Barry played by James Belushi crack safes on the side.Leo played by a Mann,newly discovered favorite,Robert Prosky ,runs a crew that whats Frank to work for them.He arranges to help Frank and his girl Jessie, well played by Tuesday Weld ,adopt a baby when no agency would help.Frank is on board only for one job so he can get enough money for a good lawyer to get Okla out of jail as he is now terminally ill and wants to die outside.Of course Leo lies and wants to keep Frank in the crew.The rest it really rough gritty stuff but bloody good fun as well.Highly recommended and only took 1 star off because it is kinda dated.Released in 1981 in runs 122 minutes .Trailer follow the pix

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