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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Assault on Precinct 13 ( 1976 ) - 4 stars out of 5 stars

John Carpenter is one of 2 or 3 directors I love.In this film he broke a hollywood taboo and there are many stories about how he got away with it.The impact makes the movie.
In the scene I'm talking about a cold hard gang member coldly shoots a young girl who bought ice cream right in the chest as if she was a paper target. That confirms the gangs we are to see are beyond redemption and evil that get biblical wrath in the end.
The story is a simple one.An old police station is closing with only a very small overnight staff.The father of said young girl,recognizable child actress Kim Richards,runs to seek safety after killing the gang member who shot her.But three gangs have a blood oath and they will avenge the death of said gang member and kill anyone in the way. Seems far fetched but thats Carpenter for you.Low budget shows,costs 1 star, in the acting but this is a scary modern horror film that acting matters not so much as the relentless onslaught and idea that  good comes from where you least expect it.Do not confuse with the 2005 film of the same,its not the same story really.It runs a just right 92 minutes and the trailer URL follows the pix.Give it a chance and you won't be sorry.

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