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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Drop Dead Gorgeous ( 2010) - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Strangely there are a few films with the same name however I doubt they are similar in story line.I scored it 50-50 for a good try but a subject NOT FOR EVERYONE,you've been warned.The Synopsis is from the director himself.Very graphic film.nudity wise not violent.Trailer below the pix.i think it's worth a look but beware.Comedy at its darkest.Released in 2010 it runs 90 minutes.

It was meant to be a simple puff piece, a "day in the life" of a rising young model, but things quickly headed in a very different direction and the resulting documentary bore witness to one of the fashion world's darkest and most sordid moments. Powerful forces sought to keep the film suppressed, but one subversive filmmaker has gathered together what remains and, complete with dropouts, glitches and out-takes, fashioned a record of a week filled with drugs, death, sex and scandal.
Top designer Claudio Vestigues (Steven Berkoff) has cast eighteen year old Cynthia Barris (Ivy Levan), a little known model, as the face of his new campaign. Documentary filmmaker Peter Famer (Nicholas Irons), an aspiring Michael Moore type on his first American gig, has been despatched to follow Cynthia as she shoots the campaign.
The first day of filming should have set off warning bells, because when the crew arrive at Cynthia’s New York hotel they find the room in disarray with Cynthia, and two other models, naked and clearly recovering from a fun-filled night. Then they discover the shoot has been delayed and moved to Los Angeles — wrong day, wrong city, and definitely the wrong image!
A day later, after a quick flight to LA, Cynthia visits Robert (Jeremy London), the agent she forgot existed when she moved to NYC and took up with Ford Models. However, by a quirk of fate, it is Robert who has booked her for the biggest job of her young career. Jaded after years on the T&A fringe zone, representing models who "date" clients and pretending he has staff, Robert hopes his payday has finally come. Until now his top girl has been Sabrina (Arielle Vandenberg), a model who's career is seriously on the decline, attracts abusive boyfriends, and is desperate for just one last big job to retire on.
At the studio, Cynthia's excitement quickly turns to fear and nausea when she meets photographer Phillippe (Josh Coxx), a man renowned as much for his sexually depraved antics as his mediocre work. Cynthia's used to some pretty unpleasant situations, but Phillippe is in a league of his own, and things only get worse when designer Claudio arrives and accuses her of gaining weight. She disappears to the toilet, only to return minutes later walking unsteadily and more than a little "out of it".
As the shoot progresses Cynthia's behavior becomes more bizarre, she even seems to fall asleep mid-shoot. When she eventually slides to the floor unconscious, Phillippe, Claudio and their team look on impassively. Only documentary crew members Susie and Hanna go to her aid, leading Peter to lose his cool, insisting that as documentarians they musn't get involved. But as things continue to spiral out of control he'll be challenged to remain true to that mantra.
It is soon clear that Cynthia is dead. A delay in production will cost Claudio millions in missed deadline penalties, so it is decided the shoot must go on, even if the model is now "deeply sleeping". Who knows, it could even break new ground? But to keep things on track some negotiations will be necessary.
Robert is incredulous when he discovers Cynthia is now worth more dead than she was when alive, and, although morally a little torn, the prospect of a huge paycheck proves too tempting for him and he heads off to persuade Cynthia's mother to sign a release for the corpse. Everyone involved is forced to assess their positions. For Stella (Natasha Alam), despite her initial protests, the opportunity to become the highest paid make-up artist in the industry convinces her to go along with the plan. Supermodel Brooke (Dawn Olivieri) is persuaded that she will be "breaking down societal barriers" and creating art. But shooting with a corpse isn't that easy — there is pooling of the blood and rigor mortis to contend with, and dead models don't take direction too well.
Will Claudio be able to pull off the fashion coup of the decade? Will Peter have a career-defining documentary on his hands? Is Sabrina going to summon up the courage to jump onto the dead model bandwagon? Can Robert establish himself as the go-to agent for deceased models, and also finally reveal his true feelings for Sabrina? And will Dawn ever discover that necrophilia isn't a death metal rock band? In Drop Dead Gorgeous see the fashion industry as you've never seen it before, in all it's sexy, seedy glory!

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