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Friday, November 25, 2011

Furry Vengeance - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

OK this is not the greatest comedy ever made,far from it.You could do a LOT worse.Like most slapstick,the sight gags get old so I doubt you'll watch it more than once,so why watch it at all? Well I do like the idea of forest animals ganging up on land developers and the cast interested me.I think Brendan Fraser as Dan Sanders,is best in comic roles.Brooke Shields as Tammy Sanders  has aged like fine wine from a so-so child actress.Also some good music and supporting cast as well as a few homages to some classic films equals a ok one time view.I took 1 1/2 stars off because the special effects were not as good as we hoped and the story is weak and as a villain Ken Jeong as Neal Lyman is a little forced.However released in 2010 and only running 92 minutes its worth  view.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Hoping to make enough money through an overseas employer to live comfortably, Real Estate Developer Dan Sanders manages to convince his son, Tyler, and wife, Tammy, to re-locate in a remote corner of Oregon. Tyler does seem content after he meets with lovely Amber, but Tammy is concerned about her husband when he near-hysterically claims that local creatures, including beavers, ravens, bears, fox, etc. have joined forces to sabotage his project. Written by rAjOo (

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