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Monday, November 7, 2011

Love N' Dancing - 3 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

If you want a different type of musical you might like this film.Not being a fan of ballroom dancing I can't comment on the styles used which many devotees fault.However it's a pleasing enough dance film about a dancer who is deaf.There's something about the story thats different and dare I say cute.Released in 2009 and running only 93 minutes you have little to lose and everything to gain if you want a watch a  different sort of film.I took 1 1/2 stars off because it's kinda sappy but in a good way.The soundtrack fits as well.Trailer URL below the pix and a IMDB summary below.I bought the DVD as a sort of novelty.

2002: Jake Mitchell is the defending World West Coast Swing Champion. He's got everything going for him: looks, personality, and style. He's at the top of his game when he and his partner Corinne are crowned the unexpected winners at the World Swing Dance Championships. As the crowd cheers and the celebration begins, Jake appears uneasy. Did he really deserve to win? The music blasts and the bass is thumping, and Jake hears none of it. He feels it. Jake is completely deaf, due to an ear infection when he was a teenager. He learned how to dance by feeling the vibrations of the music. Now he feels something else: that perhaps the judges gave him the win out of sympathy. Present Day: Jessica Donovan's life is boring. When she was younger, she was a dancer who had dreams of Broadway. Now she's an English teacher for disinterested, upper class middle school kids, and she's dying to let loose. Her fiancee Kent is a work-a-holic who cares more about making money than making Jessica happy. Jake's moved on with his life and he's now a dance teacher who travels around the country doing motivational speaking to students about how his disability did not hold him back. It's at a school assembly where Jake and Jessica first meet. He's up on stage telling kids that you have to believe in yourself. The spoiled rich kids show no interest at first, but Jake's charm and sense of humor gets them to laugh. Then his former partner Corinne joins him onstage and they dance. The crowd goes nuts! Jake meets Jessica and there's an instant connection; there's only one problem. Jake's still in love with Corinne and perhaps always will be. And Corinne knows exactly how to get under Jake's skin. Though she has a fiancee, she drives Jake nuts with her flirtatious ways. Jessica initially asks Jake to train both her and her fiancee in West Coast Swing for their wedding, but Jake and Jessica are drawn closer when Kent's non-stop job prevents him from going to the class. Jessica decides to take lessons from Jake... perhaps they can compete at the World Championships of Swing in the Pro-Am division? And they get better and better. They decide, at a dance party, to go for it all. Forget the Pro-Am; they want to try for the title that Jake felt he never deserved. But now the champions are all 18 year olds who can defy gravity, and Jake's in his early thirties. To make matters worse, Corinne gets word that her old partner has a new partner, and suddenly, she's interested in Jake again. Jake and Jessica must try to elude all obstacles, romantic or otherwise, to stay focused on the goal... winning the World Title and winning each other. Will they give in to the pressure or come out like champs? Written by synbios
When a bored-with-life English teacher meets a West Coast Swing champion dancer, they have an instant connection. Both feel that the other can fulfill what was missing in their lives. But Jessica's got a workaholic fiancée who's not a bad guy when he's not on his Blackberry, and Jake's got his former partner Corinne, who just won't let Jake away from the dangling carrot of a rekindled relationship. Jake and Jessica must try to elude all obstacles, romantic or otherwise, to stay focused on the goal - winning the World Title and winning each other. Will they give in to the pressure or come out like champs? Written by lndguy

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