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Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Missed halloween with this :) After reviewing the movie "El Topo"that started the midnight madness movie craze it dawned on me I hadn't reviewed the most popular BY FAR of that craze "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".This movie caused folks to dress for the various parts and bring "aids"to the show as well as  actively participate in the audience to parts of the movie.It's not uncommon to find people who had gone over 30 times.I went only once,too much extroversion for me.Released in 1975 and running 100 minutes it was based on a english play and as a sort of avant garde musical, it was not a big hit when released as a film in the US.However when it hit the midnight circuit,forget about it,a all time cult hit was born. I took 1 star off because its a film that should really be experienced in a crazy theater setting.Its more like a rock concert than a movie viewing  experience.There is a trailer URL below the pix and a IMDB summary below.Even today some of it is quite "Shocking"The cast is superb and Tim Curry as Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter - A Scientist must be seen to be believed.

It's the weird and wonderful as newly engaged couple Brad and Janet encounter a problem when they car halts in the rain. They both look for contact only to find themselves at the castle of Dr. Frank-N-Furter a transvestite. A place to stay is offered, but will Brad and Janet want to remain there? Especially when a large group of Transylvanians dance to the 'Time Warp', Dr. Frank-N-Furter builds his own man and a whole host of participation for the audience to enjoy. Written by simon

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