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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Fargo - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 1996 and running only 98 minutes this may be the weirdest movie I've seen and not hated.1 star off  for weird and 1 star off for simple story that for the most part,has been done before.However the acting of Frances McDormand as a pregnant police officer investigating murder is worth the view in of itself.Not to mention William H. Macy as a dumb smuck who hires Steve Buscemi and Peter Stormare to kill his wife.From there Ethan Coen, Joel Coen take the story in one wired turn after another.You may not like the film but you haven't really seen anything else like it.Buscemi winds up in a wood chipper !!!Trailer below the pix and a IMDB summary below.

Jerry works in his father-in-law's car dealership and has gotten himself in financial problems. He tries various schemes to come up with money needed for a reason that is never really explained. It has to be assumed that his huge embezzlement of money from the dealership is about to be discovered by father-in-law. When all else falls through, plans he set in motion earlier for two men to kidnap his wife for ransom to be paid by her wealthy father (who doesn't seem to have the time of day for son-in-law). From the moment of the kidnapping, things go wrong and what was supposed to be a non-violent affair turns bloody with more blood added by the minute. Jerry is upset at the bloodshed, which turns loose a pregnant sheriff from Brainerd, MN who is tenacious in attempting to solve the three murders in her jurisdiction. Written by Anonymous

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