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Saturday, November 26, 2011

War Games: The Dead Code - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2008 and running 100 minutes this is not the remake I hoped for when I reviewed war-games a while ago.Like that film I can give only 3 stars as the plot is more dark and not as fun as the other and the acting is wasted by BAD casting.Amanda Walsh as Annie D'Mateo a female HS nerd,really ??Matt Lanter as Will Farmer a computer nerd lacks the smug but endearing quality Matthew Broderick brought in the earlier film.But the worse part is that it did seem to be a modern update TILL around midway through we find out it is really a followup,not a sequel as there are all new actors and characters except that the old computer Joshua appears.That now known you must judge it very differently.Like the first I thought it could have been much more and so I wait yet again for a better version but am happy for both anyway.Trailer URL below pix and a IMDB summary below.

The United State's Department of Homeland Security is led to believe an American teen hacker playing a terrorist-attack simulator game online is a real terrorist out to destroy the U.S.

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