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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Less than Zero - 2 1/2 stars out of 5 stars

Bearly watchable as a hedonistic look at poor rich kids in LA with sex and drugs.I can relate !!However made in 1987 and running only 98 minutes you can suffer through it for the music and early acting talents of Robert Downey Jr. and James Spader as well as trustworthy workman like acting Andrew McCarthy and Jami Gertz.Watch once ONLY.Trailer below the pix and IMDB summary below.

Clay, an eighteen-year-old freshman, comes back from his first term at a college in New Hampshire to spend his Christmas vacation with his broken-up wealthy family in Los Angeles. His former girlfriend, Blair, is now involved with his ex-best-friend, Julian. She warns Clay that Julian needs help: he is using a lot of cocaine and has huge debts. What follows is a look at the youth culture of wealthy post adolescents in Beverly Hills with a strong anti-drug message. Apart from the setting and the names, the film has very little to do with Bret Easton Ellis's book by the same title on which it was based. Written by Jeroen van Bree <>

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