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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shivers - 4 stars out of 5 stars

It can be as difficult to review horror films as it is to review comedies.In a sense,abet  a sick one,this is both.Picture sex crazed still alive human type zombies.You'll get the idea.Be warned the opening scene can be quite disturbing before we realized it sets the stage for the rest of the film but not the way it first appeared.Released in 1975 and running a short 87 minutes,I took one star off for being sort of vulgar in the story telling.Still its a landmark horror film by Canadian sicko David Cronenberg and if you like horror with weird storylines  this is your film.Trailer URL below pix and IMDB summary below.Don't watch it alone :)

A scientist living in an apartment complex kills a girl and uses acid to destroy her internal organs, and then kills himself. While investigating, a doctor discovers that the scientist was doing experiments on the use of genetically engineered parasites as organ transplants. Soon, other people in the complex begin showing signs of carrying the parasites, spreading the things through wanton orgiastic abandon, and the complex begins suffering an attrition problem. Written by Ed Sutton <>

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