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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Village - 4 stars out of 5 stars

A film with many meanings and the ability to confound me for quite awhile.Not pleasant so I punish it with the removal of a star while others may add a extra one for just such a reason.Grade "A" cast and  master director demands you see it once at least.I bought it and wonder when I'll watch it again.The classic music score fits the mood nicely.It is not a horror film less you consider "our own lives" as horror.Released in 2004 it runs but 104 minutes.Trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary below.

In a quiet, isolated village in olde Pennsylvania, there lies a pact between the people of the village and the creatures who reside in the surrounding woods: the townspeople do not enter the woods, and the creatures do not enter the village. The pact stays true for many years, but when Lucius Hunt seeks medical supplies from the towns beyond the wood, the pact is challenged. Animal carcasses, devoid of fur, begin to appear around the village, causing the council of elders to fear for the safety of the village, the pact, and so much more. Written by simsman24000

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