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Friday, November 4, 2011

Gulliver's Travels - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Released in 2010 and running only 85 minutes this is Jack Blacks take on the old chestnut about a giant in a land of the little.Up front I admit i'm not a big Black fan as I've stated before about humor being subjective so I take 2 stars of for some bad comedy,like pissing on a fire to extinguish it, but his trademark "rock it"humor was amusing in this context and the rest of the cast was fine although Jason Segel was a little held back IMHO.Still you could see a lot worse when your in a bind for a movie.Trailer URL below pix and a IMDB summary below.The rock soundtrack is pretty good.

Lemuel Gulliver has been working in the mail room of a New York daily newspaper for the past ten years. Afraid to put himself out there, he considers himself a loser, as do all his peers. One day, after having finally had enough, he decides to declare his flame to the beautiful Darcy Silverman, the newspaper's travel editor and one of Gulliver's only friends...only to chicken out at the last minute and instead tell her that he'd like to try his hand at writing a column. Darcy accepts and sends him on an assignment to the Bermuda Triangle. There, Gulliver becomes shipwrecked and ends up on the island of Liliput, where he is twelve taller than the tallest man. For the first time, Gulliver has people looking up to him... Written by Happy_Evil_Dude

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