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Friday, June 15, 2012

"41" - 4 stars out of 5 stars

Bush 41 is being looked on as the grand old statesman of this country these day so HBO together with Jerry Weintraub productions put together a new documentary about his life.
Incase your not sure,Bush 41 is Herbert Walker Bush,father of "W"Bush 43 who is George Walker Bush.
41 led a far more interesting life then most and for sure,since,presidents.Born a WASP,
( White Anglo Saxon Protestant ),he grew up in Kennebunkport, Maine and was a Naval pilot in WW11,shot down in combat over the pacific,and rescued at sea by a submarine.That is a story in itself.Educated at Yale after the war,he later moved to Texas and made a career in the oil business.Entering politics he did lose his first political contest,but continued eventually to later serve as US Ambassador to the UN,
Ambassador to the Peoples Republic of China,Head of the Republican Party,Director of the CIA,Vice President and finally the 41 President of these United States.
What ever your politics its clear that today,no one,comes to the politic arena with anywhere near those types of public service.This was a man who was born into privilege yet made his own way,went to WAR, built a  fortune and still found time to serve the public.
I enjoyed his explanation of why the oil firm he was just building took the name "Zapata Oil"? It was as simple as having seen the film"Viva Zapata"Really !!!
Since he sky dove at age 88,he's been MY hero,but naming his oil company back in the day after a movie??? VIVA BUSH !!!!!!
They often say the Kennedy's are America's first family.Over time perhaps it will be the Bush's.Or as 41 said,there was the Adams.
Released in 2012 it runs 100 minutes and my only issue is that there is no warts.Such as "voodoo economics"just for starters,disagreements with his son and Ross Perot .However warts aside,the man as Dylan would say,"You have to serve somebody"and Bush 41 did that without equal.

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