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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Change-Up - 3 stars out of 5 stars

Many films delve into life and body switches and this film really adds nothing and is one of the weaker as far as how the exchange happened and what caused it.So from a sci-fi aspect,pretty poor film.The straight here is the acting and thats why I only took 2 stars off and recommend the requisite one viewing.Released in 2011 its also a bit long at 112 minutes.Ryan Reynolds as Mitch Planko,Jason Bateman as Dave Lockwood are both great at creating the old opposite best buds theme. The other actors are fine as well,but films of this sort stand or fall on the "switchers"and these two pull it off.The rest of the film is the standard series of sight gags proving that the grass is NOT greener over the fence and you soon realize what you had when its gone.My favorite scene is the 2 twin babies taking on Dad in the kitchen during a late night feeding.So the trailer URL follows the pix and a IMDB summary is below.The sci-fi is crap,but the laughs are above adverse for the genre.

Dave is a married man with two kids and a loving wife , and Mitch is a single man who is at the prime of his sexual life. One fateful night while Mitch and Dave are peeing in a fountain when lightning strikes and they switch bodies.

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